apptainer-overriden-nixos 1.1.3 -> 1.1.5 attrpath: apptainer-overriden-nixos Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 1.1.3" not present in master derivation file with contents: { callPackage , fetchFromGitHub , nixos , conmon }: let apptainer = callPackage (import ./generic.nix rec { pname = "apptainer"; version = "1.1.5"; projectName = "apptainer"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "apptainer"; repo = "apptainer"; rev = "v${version}"; hash = "sha256-onJkpHJNsO0cQO2m+TmdMuMkuvH178mDhOeX41bYFic="; }; # Update by running # nix-prefetch -E "{ sha256 }: ((import ./. { }).apptainer.override { vendorHash = sha256; }).go-modules" # at the root directory of the Nixpkgs repository vendorHash = "sha256-tAnh7A8Lw5KtY7hq+sqHMEUlgXvgeeCKKIfRZFoRtug="; extraDescription = " (previously known as Singularity)"; extraMeta.homepage = ""; }) { # Apptainer doesn't depend on conmon conmon = null; # defaultToSuid becomes false since Apptainer 1.1.0 # # defaultToSuid = false; }; singularity = callPackage (import ./generic.nix rec { pname = "singularity-ce"; version = "3.10.4"; projectName = "singularity"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "sylabs"; repo = "singularity"; rev = "v${version}"; hash = "sha256-bUnQXQVwaVA3Lkw3X9TBWqNBgiPxAVCHnkq0vc+CIsM="; }; # Update by running # nix-prefetch -E "{ sha256 }: ((import ./. { }).singularity.override { vendorHash = sha256; }).go-modules" # at the root directory of the Nixpkgs repository vendorHash = "sha256-K8helLcOuz3E4LzBE9y3pnZqwdwhO/iMPTN1o22ipVg="; # Do not build conmon from the Git submodule source, # Use Nixpkgs provided version extraConfigureFlags = [ "--without-conmon" ]; extraDescription = " (Sylabs Inc's fork of Singularity, a.k.a. SingularityCE)"; extraMeta.homepage = ""; }) { defaultToSuid = true; }; genOverridenNixos = package: packageName: (nixos { programs.singularity = { enable = true; inherit package; }; }).config.programs.singularity.packageOverriden.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: { meta = oldAttrs.meta // { description = ""; longDescription = '' This package produces identical store derivations to `pkgs.${packageName}` overriden and installed by the NixOS module `programs.singularity` with default configuration. This is for binary substitutes only. Use pkgs.${packageName} instead. ''; }; }); in { inherit apptainer singularity; apptainer-overriden-nixos = genOverridenNixos apptainer "apptainer"; singularity-overriden-nixos = genOverridenNixos singularity "singularity"; }