apptainer 1.1.3 -> 1.1.5 attrpath: apptainer Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 1.1.3" not present in master derivation file with contents: # Configurations that should only be overrided by # overrideAttrs { pname , version , src , projectName # "apptainer" or "singularity" , vendorHash ? null , deleteVendor ? false , proxyVendor ? false , extraConfigureFlags ? [ ] , extraDescription ? "" , extraMeta ? { } }: let # Workaround for vendor-related attributes not overridable (#86349) # should be removed when the issue is resolved _defaultGoVendorArgs = { inherit vendorHash deleteVendor proxyVendor ; }; in { lib , buildGoModule , runCommandLocal # Native build inputs , makeWrapper , pkg-config , util-linux , which # Build inputs , bash , conmon , coreutils , cryptsetup , fakeroot , go , gpgme , libseccomp , libuuid # This is for nvidia-container-cli , nvidia-docker , openssl , squashfsTools , squashfuse # Overridable configurations , enableNvidiaContainerCli ? true # Compile with seccomp support # SingularityCE 3.10.0 and above requires explicit --without-seccomp when libseccomp is not available. , enableSeccomp ? true # Whether the configure script treat SUID support as default , defaultToSuid ? true # Whether to compile with SUID support , enableSuid ? false , starterSuidPath ? null # newuidmapPath and newgidmapPath are to support --fakeroot # where those SUID-ed executables are unavailable from the FHS system PATH. # Path to SUID-ed newuidmap executable , newuidmapPath ? null # Path to SUID-ed newgidmap executable , newgidmapPath ? null # Remove the symlinks to `singularity*` when projectName != "singularity" , removeCompat ? false # Workaround #86349 # should be removed when the issue is resolved , vendorHash ? _defaultGoVendorArgs.vendorHash , deleteVendor ? _defaultGoVendorArgs.deleteVendor , proxyVendor ? _defaultGoVendorArgs.proxyVendor }: let defaultPathOriginal = "/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin"; privileged-un-utils = if ((isNull newuidmapPath) && (isNull newgidmapPath)) then null else (runCommandLocal "privileged-un-utils" { } '' mkdir -p "$out/bin" ln -s ${lib.escapeShellArg newuidmapPath} "$out/bin/newuidmap" ln -s ${lib.escapeShellArg newgidmapPath} "$out/bin/newgidmap" ''); in buildGoModule { inherit pname version src; # Override vendorHash with the output got from # nix-prefetch -E "{ sha256 }: ((import ./. { }).apptainer.override { vendorHash = sha256; }).go-modules" # or with `null` when using vendored source tarball. inherit vendorHash deleteVendor proxyVendor; # go is used to compile extensions when building container images allowGoReference = true; strictDeps = true; passthru = { inherit enableSeccomp enableSuid projectName removeCompat starterSuidPath ; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper pkg-config util-linux which ]; buildInputs = [ bash # To patch /bin/sh shebangs. conmon cryptsetup gpgme libuuid openssl squashfsTools squashfuse ] ++ lib.optional enableNvidiaContainerCli nvidia-docker ++ lib.optional enableSeccomp libseccomp ; configureScript = "./mconfig"; configureFlags = [ "--localstatedir=/var/lib" "--runstatedir=/var/run" ] ++ lib.optional (!enableSeccomp) "--without-seccomp" ++ lib.optional (defaultToSuid && !enableSuid) "--without-suid" ++ lib.optional (!defaultToSuid && enableSuid) "--with-suid" ++ extraConfigureFlags ; # Packages to prefix to the Apptainer/Singularity container runtime default PATH # Use overrideAttrs to override defaultPathInputs = [ bash coreutils cryptsetup # cryptsetup go privileged-un-utils squashfsTools # mksquashfs unsquashfs # Make / unpack squashfs image squashfuse # squashfuse_ll squashfuse # Mount (without unpacking) a squashfs image without privileges ] ++ lib.optional enableNvidiaContainerCli nvidia-docker ; postPatch = '' if [[ ! -e .git || ! -e VERSION ]]; then echo "${version}" > VERSION fi # Patch shebangs for script run during build patchShebangs --build "$configureScript" makeit e2e scripts mlocal/scripts # Patching the hard-coded defaultPath by prefixing the packages in defaultPathInputs substituteInPlace cmd/internal/cli/actions.go \ --replace "defaultPath = \"${defaultPathOriginal}\"" "defaultPath = \"''${defaultPathInputs// /\/bin:}''${defaultPathInputs:+/bin:}${defaultPathOriginal}\"" ''; postConfigure = '' # Code borrowed from pkgs/stdenv/generic/ configurePhase() # set to empty if unset : ''${configureFlags=} # shellcheck disable=SC2086 $configureScript -V ${version} "''${prefixKey:---prefix=}$prefix" $configureFlags "''${configureFlagsArray[@]}" # End of the code from pkgs/stdenv/generic/ configurPhase() ''; buildPhase = '' runHook preBuild make -C builddir -j"$NIX_BUILD_CORES" runHook postBuild ''; installPhase = '' runHook preInstall make -C builddir install LOCALSTATEDIR="$out/var/lib" runHook postInstall ''; postFixup = '' substituteInPlace "$out/bin/run-singularity" \ --replace "/usr/bin/env ${projectName}" "$out/bin/${projectName}" wrapProgram "$out/bin/${projectName}" \ --prefix PATH : "${lib.makeBinPath [ fakeroot squashfsTools # Singularity (but not Apptainer) expects unsquashfs from the host PATH ]}" # Make changes in the config file ${lib.optionalString enableNvidiaContainerCli '' substituteInPlace "$out/etc/${projectName}/${projectName}.conf" \ --replace "use nvidia-container-cli = no" "use nvidia-container-cli = yes" ''} ${lib.optionalString (removeCompat && (projectName != "singularity")) '' unlink "$out/bin/singularity" for file in "$out"/share/man/man?/singularity*.gz; do if [[ -L "$file" ]]; then unlink "$file" fi done for file in "$out"/share/*-completion/completions/singularity; do if [[ -e "$file" ]] rm "$file" done ''} ${lib.optionalString enableSuid (lib.warnIf (isNull starterSuidPath) "${projectName}: Null starterSuidPath when enableSuid produces non-SUID-ed starter-suid and run-time permission denial." '' chmod +x $out/libexec/${projectName}/bin/starter-suid '')} ${lib.optionalString (enableSuid && !isNull starterSuidPath) '' mv "$out"/libexec/${projectName}/bin/starter-suid{,.orig} ln -s ${lib.escapeShellArg starterSuidPath} "$out/libexec/${projectName}/bin/starter-suid" ''} ''; meta = with lib; { description = "Application containers for linux" + extraDescription; longDescription = '' Singularity (the upstream) renamed themselves to Apptainer to distinguish themselves from a fork made by Sylabs Inc.. See ''; license = licenses.bsd3; platforms = platforms.linux; maintainers = with maintainers; [ jbedo ShamrockLee ]; mainProgram = projectName; } // extraMeta; }