arduino-cli 0.35.1 -> 0.35.2 attrpath: arduino-cli Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 0.35.1" not present in master derivation file with contents: { lib, stdenv, buildGoModule, fetchFromGitHub, buildFHSEnv, installShellFiles, go-task }: let pkg = buildGoModule rec { pname = "arduino-cli"; version = "0.35.2"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "arduino"; repo = pname; rev = "v${version}"; hash = "sha256-ctgDuWbNLMyQrxnarTbCtGXM5G+bPeS4Xa7eTbkFo0k="; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ installShellFiles ]; nativeCheckInputs = [ go-task ]; subPackages = [ "." ]; vendorHash = "sha256-y7YxcBFjKcQK6ilCKOyoszq64/0xG5GgTehKrKThknU="; postPatch = let skipTests = [ # tries to "go install" "TestDummyMonitor" # try to Get "" "TestDownloadAndChecksums" "TestParseArgs" "TestParseReferenceCores" "TestPlatformSearch" "TestPlatformSearchSorting" ]; in '' substituteInPlace Taskfile.yml \ --replace "go test" "go test -p $NIX_BUILD_CORES -skip '(${lib.concatStringsSep "|" skipTests})'" ''; doCheck = stdenv.isLinux; checkPhase = '' runHook preCheck task go:test runHook postCheck ''; ldflags = [ "-s" "-w" "-X${version}" "-X" ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isLinux [ "-extldflags '-static'" ]; postInstall = '' export HOME="$(mktemp -d)" for s in {bash,zsh,fish}; do $out/bin/arduino-cli completion $s > completion.$s installShellCompletion --cmd arduino-cli --$s completion.$s done unset HOME ''; meta = with lib; { inherit (src.meta) homepage; description = "Arduino from the command line"; changelog = "${version}"; license = licenses.gpl3Only; maintainers = with maintainers; [ ryantm ]; }; }; in if stdenv.isLinux then # buildFHSEnv is needed because the arduino-cli downloads compiler # toolchains from the internet that have their interpreters pointed at # /lib64/ buildFHSEnv { inherit (pkg) name meta; runScript = "${pkg.outPath}/bin/arduino-cli"; extraInstallCommands = '' mv $out/bin/$name $out/bin/arduino-cli cp -r ${pkg.outPath}/share $out/share ''; passthru.pureGoPkg = pkg; targetPkgs = pkgs: with pkgs; [ zlib ]; } else pkg