2022-12-23T03:25:08 bcc 0 -> 1 2022-12-23T03:25:10 attrpath: bcc 2022-12-23T03:25:11 Checking auto update branch... 2022-12-23T03:25:14 [version] 2022-12-23T03:25:14 [version] skipping because derivation has updateScript 2022-12-23T03:25:14 [rustCrateVersion] 2022-12-23T03:25:14 [rustCrateVersion] No cargoSha256 found 2022-12-23T03:25:14 [golangModuleVersion] 2022-12-23T03:25:14 [golangModuleVersion] Not a buildGoModule package with vendorSha256 2022-12-23T03:25:14 [updateScript] 2022-12-23T03:25:17 [updateScript] Success 2022-12-23T03:25:17 [updateScript] this derivation will be built: /nix/store/xqczzyv8a10w8zf2bxiwb5pmj77a3yjd-packages.json.drv building '/nix/store/xqczzyv8a10w8zf2bxiwb5pmj77a3yjd-packages.json.drv'... Going to be running update for following packages: - bcc-0.25.0 Press Enter key to continue... Running update for: - bcc-0.25.0: UPDATING ... - bcc-0.25.0: DONE. Packages updated! 2022-12-23T03:25:17 2022-12-23T03:25:17 [quotedUrls] 2022-12-23T03:25:17 [quotedUrls] nothing found to replace 2022-12-23T03:25:18 Diff after rewrites: diff --git a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/bcc/default.nix b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/bcc/default.nix index d8026fa0d69..1cb9b3c1857 100644 --- a/pkgs/os-specific/linux/bcc/default.nix +++ b/pkgs/os-specific/linux/bcc/default.nix @@ -7,15 +7,15 @@ python.pkgs.buildPythonApplication rec { pname = "bcc"; - version = "0.25.0"; + version = "0.26.0"; disabled = !stdenv.isLinux; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "iovisor"; repo = "bcc"; - rev = "v${version}"; - sha256 = "sha256-05FQWBxFI8bxjm6vDCoEqqpAd4Agn84M28P3G6F3tag="; + rev = "refs/tags/v${version}"; + sha256 = "sha256-zx38tPwuuGU6px9pRNN5JtvBysK9fStOvoqe7cLo7LM="; }; format = "other"; 2022-12-23T03:26:46 Old version 0.25.0" not present in master derivation file with contents: { lib, stdenv, fetchFromGitHub , makeWrapper, cmake, llvmPackages , flex, bison, elfutils, python, luajit, netperf, iperf, libelf , bash, libbpf, nixosTests , audit }: python.pkgs.buildPythonApplication rec { pname = "bcc"; version = "0.26.0"; disabled = !stdenv.isLinux; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "iovisor"; repo = "bcc"; rev = "v${version}"; sha256 = "sha256-zx38tPwuuGU6px9pRNN5JtvBysK9fStOvoqe7cLo7LM="; }; format = "other"; buildInputs = with llvmPackages; [ llvm llvm.dev libclang elfutils luajit netperf iperf flex bash libbpf ]; patches = [ # This is needed until we fix # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/40427 ./fix-deadlock-detector-import.patch ]; propagatedBuildInputs = [ python.pkgs.netaddr ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper cmake flex bison llvmPackages.llvm.dev ]; cmakeFlags = [ "-DBCC_KERNEL_MODULES_DIR=/run/booted-system/kernel-modules/lib/modules" "-DREVISION=${version}" "-DENABLE_USDT=ON" "-DENABLE_CPP_API=ON" "-DCMAKE_USE_LIBBPF_PACKAGE=ON" ]; # to replace this executable path: # https://github.com/iovisor/bcc/blob/master/src/python/bcc/syscall.py#L384 ausyscall = "${audit}/bin/ausyscall"; postPatch = '' substituteAll ${./libbcc-path.patch} ./libbcc-path.patch patch -p1 < libbcc-path.patch substituteAll ${./absolute-ausyscall.patch} ./absolute-ausyscall.patch patch -p1 < absolute-ausyscall.patch # https://github.com/iovisor/bcc/issues/3996 substituteInPlace src/cc/libbcc.pc.in \ --replace '$'{exec_prefix}/@CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR@ @CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBDIR@ ''; postInstall = '' mkdir -p $out/bin $out/share rm -r $out/share/bcc/tools/old mv $out/share/bcc/tools/doc $out/share mv $out/share/bcc/man $out/share/ find $out/share/bcc/tools -type f -executable -print0 | \ while IFS= read -r -d ''$'\0' f; do bin=$out/bin/$(basename $f) if [ ! -e $bin ]; then ln -s $f $bin fi substituteInPlace "$f" \ --replace '$(dirname $0)/lib' "$out/share/bcc/tools/lib" done sed -i -e "s!lib=.*!lib=$out/bin!" $out/bin/{java,ruby,node,python}gc ''; postFixup = '' wrapPythonProgramsIn "$out/share/bcc/tools" "$out $pythonPath" ''; outputs = [ "out" "man" ]; passthru.tests = { bpf = nixosTests.bpf; }; meta = with lib; { description = "Dynamic Tracing Tools for Linux"; homepage = "https://iovisor.github.io/bcc/"; license = licenses.asl20; maintainers = with maintainers; [ ragge mic92 thoughtpolice martinetd ]; }; }