cargo-llvm-cov 0.6.5 -> 0.6.6 attrpath: cargo-llvm-cov Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 0.6.5" not present in master derivation file with contents: # If the tests are broken, it's probably for one of two reasons: # # 1. The version of llvm used doesn't match the expectations of rustc and/or # cargo-llvm-cov. This is relatively unlikely because we pull llvm out of # rustc's attrset, so it *should* be the right version as long as this is the # case. # 2. Nixpkgs has changed its rust infrastructure in a way that causes # cargo-llvm-cov to misbehave under test. It's likely that even though the # tests are failing, cargo-llvm-cov will still function properly in actual # use. This has happened before, and is described [here][0] (along with a # feature request that would fix this instance of the problem). # # For previous test-troubleshooting discussion, see [here][1]. # # [0]: # [1]: { stdenv , lib , fetchurl , fetchFromGitHub , rustPlatform , rustc , git }: let pname = "cargo-llvm-cov"; version = "0.6.6"; owner = "taiki-e"; homepage = "${owner}/${pname}"; llvm = rustc.llvmPackages.llvm; # Download `Cargo.lock` from so we don't clutter up Nixpkgs cargoLock = fetchurl { name = "Cargo.lock"; url = "${pname}/${version}/download"; sha256 = "sha256-kY0Nb7bwF3o6DKQemZSwoZ55vw57jFGftNTpyprFxM0="; downloadToTemp = true; postFetch = '' tar xzf $downloadedFile ${pname}-${version}/Cargo.lock mv ${pname}-${version}/Cargo.lock $out ''; }; in rustPlatform.buildRustPackage { inherit pname version; # Use `fetchFromGitHub` instead of `fetchCrate` because the latter does not # pull in fixtures needed for the test suite src = fetchFromGitHub { inherit owner; repo = pname; rev = "v${version}"; sha256 = "sha256-lcB/GWEIg5Y+VUSWphNwzmTuFROfMaTm17HyokoKzrI="; leaveDotGit = true; }; # Upstream doesn't include the lockfile so we need to add it back postUnpack = '' cp ${cargoLock} source/Cargo.lock ''; cargoSha256 = "sha256-DjWKjq5Vf4wOu6sDPT2yrGB00g80Z59oEpIUvIObjsQ="; # `cargo-llvm-cov` reads these environment variables to find these binaries, # which are needed to run the tests LLVM_COV = "${llvm}/bin/llvm-cov"; LLVM_PROFDATA = "${llvm}/bin/llvm-profdata"; nativeCheckInputs = [ git ]; preCheck = '' # `cargo-llvm-cov`'s tests rely on `git ls-files` so the staging area needs # to not have everything staged as deleted, which is how `leaveDotGit` in # `fetchFromGitHub` leaves the staging area for reproducibility reasons. git restore --staged . ''; meta = { inherit homepage; changelog = homepage + "/blob/v${version}/"; description = "Cargo subcommand to easily use LLVM source-based code coverage"; longDescription = '' In order for this to work, you either need to run `rustup component add llvm- tools-preview` or install the `llvm-tools-preview` component using your Nix library (e.g. fenix or rust-overlay) ''; license = with lib.licenses; [ asl20 /* or */ mit ]; maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ wucke13 matthiasbeyer CobaltCause ]; # The profiler runtime is (currently) disabled on non-Linux platforms broken = !(stdenv.isLinux && !stdenv.targetPlatform.isRedox); }; }