clash-verge 1.2.3 -> 1.3.0 attrpath: clash-verge Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 1.2.3" not present in master derivation file with contents: { lib , stdenv , fetchurl , dpkg , wrapGAppsHook , autoPatchelfHook , openssl , webkitgtk , udev , libayatana-appindicator }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "clash-verge"; version = "1.3.0"; src = fetchurl { url = "${version}/clash-verge_${version}_amd64.deb"; hash = "sha256-HaBr1QHU3SZix3NFEkTmMrGuk/J1dfP3Lhst79rkUl0="; }; unpackPhase = "dpkg-deb -x $src ."; nativeBuildInputs = [ dpkg wrapGAppsHook autoPatchelfHook ]; buildInputs = [ openssl webkitgtk ]; runtimeDependencies = [ (lib.getLib udev) libayatana-appindicator ]; installPhase = '' runHook preInstall mkdir -p $out/bin mv usr/* $out runHook postInstall ''; meta = with lib; { description = "A Clash GUI based on tauri"; homepage = ""; platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" ]; license = licenses.gpl3Plus; sourceProvenance = with sourceTypes; [ binaryNativeCode ]; maintainers = with maintainers; [ zendo ]; }; }