cloud-init 0 -> 1 attrpath: cloud-init Checking auto update branch... [version] [version] skipping because derivation has updateScript [rustCrateVersion] [rustCrateVersion] No cargoSha256 or cargoHash found [golangModuleVersion] [golangModuleVersion] Not a buildGoModule package with vendorSha256 or vendorHash [npmDepsVersion] [npmDepsVersion] No npmDepsHash [updateScript] [updateScript] Success [updateScript] this derivation will be built: /nix/store/nbyyiwf9xm6hp0gp6hxjxh9pipq6c0n4-packages.json.drv building '/nix/store/nbyyiwf9xm6hp0gp6hxjxh9pipq6c0n4-packages.json.drv'... Going to be running update for following packages: - cloud-init-23.2.2 Press Enter key to continue... Running update for: - cloud-init-23.2.2: UPDATING ... - cloud-init-23.2.2: DONE. Packages updated! [quotedUrls] [quotedUrls] nothing found to replace Diff after rewrites: diff --git a/pkgs/tools/virtualization/cloud-init/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/virtualization/cloud-init/default.nix index 5b85bae033af..d0239668f0d4 100644 --- a/pkgs/tools/virtualization/cloud-init/default.nix +++ b/pkgs/tools/virtualization/cloud-init/default.nix @@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ python3.pkgs.buildPythonApplication rec { pname = "cloud-init"; - version = "23.2.2"; + version = "23.3.1"; namePrefix = ""; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "canonical"; repo = "cloud-init"; rev = "refs/tags/${version}"; - hash = "sha256-lOeLVgT/qTB6JhRcLv9QIfNLMnMyNlUp3dMCqva9Tes="; + hash = "sha256-3UxTqlhLZi/3/buWqDGto4cZN03uONbA8HEWQtaIRxU="; }; patches = [ No auto update branch exists Old version 23.2.2" not present in master derivation file with contents: { lib , nixosTests , buildPythonApplication , cloud-utils , dmidecode , fetchFromGitHub , iproute2 , openssh , python3 , shadow , systemd , coreutils , gitUpdater , busybox , procps }: python3.pkgs.buildPythonApplication rec { pname = "cloud-init"; version = "23.3.1"; namePrefix = ""; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "canonical"; repo = "cloud-init"; rev = "refs/tags/${version}"; hash = "sha256-3UxTqlhLZi/3/buWqDGto4cZN03uONbA8HEWQtaIRxU="; }; patches = [ ./0001-add-nixos-support.patch ]; prePatch = '' substituteInPlace \ --replace /lib/systemd $out/lib/systemd substituteInPlace cloudinit/net/ \ --replace '["/usr/sbin", "/bin"]' '["/usr/sbin", "/bin", "${iproute2}/bin", "${systemd}/bin"]' substituteInPlace tests/unittests/ \ --replace '["/usr/sbin", "/bin"]' \ '["/usr/sbin", "/bin", "${iproute2}/bin", "${systemd}/bin"]' substituteInPlace tests/unittests/cmd/ \ --replace "/bin/bash" "/bin/sh" ''; postInstall = '' install -D -m755 ./tools/write-ssh-key-fingerprints $out/libexec/write-ssh-key-fingerprints for i in $out/libexec/*; do wrapProgram $i --prefix PATH : "${lib.makeBinPath [ openssh ]}" done ''; propagatedBuildInputs = with python3.pkgs; [ configobj jinja2 jsonpatch jsonschema netifaces oauthlib pyserial pyyaml requests ]; nativeCheckInputs = with python3.pkgs; [ pytestCheckHook httpretty dmidecode # needed for tests; at runtime we rather want the setuid wrapper passlib shadow responses pytest-mock coreutils procps ]; makeWrapperArgs = [ "--prefix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath [ dmidecode cloud-utils.guest busybox ]}/bin" ]; disabledTests = [ # tries to create /var "test_dhclient_run_with_tmpdir" "test_dhcp_client_failover" # clears path and fails because mkdir is not found "test_path_env_gets_set_from_main" # fails to find cat "test_subp_combined_stderr_stdout" # tries to read from /etc/ca-certificates.conf while inside the sandbox "test_handler_ca_certs" "TestRemoveDefaultCaCerts" # Doesn't work in the sandbox "TestEphemeralDhcpNoNetworkSetup" "TestHasURLConnectivity" "TestReadFileOrUrl" "TestConsumeUserDataHttp" # Chef Omnibus "TestInstallChefOmnibus" # "TestGetPackageMirrorInfo" # Disable failing VMware and PuppetAio tests "test_get_data_iso9660_with_network_config" "test_get_data_vmware_guestinfo_with_network_config" "test_get_host_info" "test_no_data_access_method" "test_install_with_collection" "test_install_with_custom_url" "test_install_with_default_arguments" "test_install_with_no_cleanup" "test_install_with_version" ]; preCheck = '' # TestTempUtils.test_mkdtemp_default_non_root does not like TMPDIR=/build export TMPDIR=/tmp ''; pythonImportsCheck = [ "cloudinit" ]; passthru = { tests = { inherit (nixosTests) cloud-init cloud-init-hostname; }; updateScript = gitUpdater { ignoredVersions = ".ubuntu.*"; }; }; meta = with lib; { homepage = ""; description = "Provides configuration and customization of cloud instance"; changelog = "${version}/ChangeLog"; license = with licenses; [ asl20 gpl3Plus ]; maintainers = with maintainers; [ illustris jfroche ]; platforms = platforms.all; }; }