coreth 0.12.5 -> 0.12.7 attrpath: coreth Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 0.12.5" not present in master derivation file with contents: { buildGoModule , fetchFromGitHub , lib , stdenv }: buildGoModule rec { pname = "coreth"; version = "0.12.6"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "ava-labs"; repo = pname; rev = "v${version}"; hash = "sha256-AmlDOtV6uQtrscvIgK5kz6PldA7a1XrVuwO4DCFZeno="; }; # go mod vendor has a bug, see: golang/go#57529 proxyVendor = true; vendorHash = "sha256-v1DoRZuv6k6UIgPirXMbvunttn1aBLbTc+GdtdKquDk="; ldflags = [ "-s" "-w" "-X${version}" "-X${version}" "-X" ]; subPackages = [ "cmd/abigen" "plugin" ]; postInstall = "mv $out/bin/{plugin,evm}"; meta = with lib; { description = "Code and wrapper to extract Ethereum blockchain functionalities without network/consensus, for building custom blockchain services"; homepage = ""; changelog = "${version}"; license = licenses.lgpl3Only; maintainers = with maintainers; [ urandom ]; }; }