crawlTiles 0.29.0 -> 0.31.0 attrpath: crawlTiles Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 0.29.0" not present in master derivation file with contents: { stdenv , lib , fetchFromGitHub , fetchpatch , which , sqlite , lua5_1 , perl , python3 , zlib , pkg-config , ncurses , dejavu_fonts , libpng , SDL2 , SDL2_image , SDL2_mixer , libGLU , libGL , freetype , pngcrush , advancecomp , tileMode ? false , enableSound ? tileMode , buildPackages # MacOS / Darwin builds , darwin }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "crawl${lib.optionalString tileMode "-tiles"}"; version = "0.31.0"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "crawl"; repo = "crawl"; rev = version; hash = "sha256-06tVEduk3Y2VDsoOuI4nGjN8p+wGZT7wEU80nBSg+UU="; }; # Patch hard-coded paths and remove force library builds postPatch = '' substituteInPlace crawl-ref/source/util/find_font \ --replace '/usr/share/fonts /usr/local/share/fonts /usr/*/lib/X11/fonts' '${fontsPath}/share/fonts' substituteInPlace crawl-ref/source/ \ --replace 'SDL_image.h' 'SDL2/SDL_image.h' ''; nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config which perl pngcrush advancecomp ]; # Still unstable with luajit buildInputs = [ lua5_1 zlib sqlite ncurses ] ++ (with python3.pkgs; [ pyyaml ]) ++ lib.optionals tileMode [ libpng SDL2 SDL2_image freetype libGLU libGL ] ++ lib.optional enableSound SDL2_mixer ++ (lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin ( with darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks; [ AppKit AudioUnit CoreAudio ForceFeedback Carbon IOKit OpenGL ] )); preBuild = '' cd crawl-ref/source echo "${version}" > util/release_ver patchShebangs 'util' patchShebangs util/gen-mi-enum rm -rf contrib mkdir -p $out/xdg-data '' + lib.optionalString tileMode "mv xdg-data/*_tiles.* $out/xdg-data" + lib.optionalString (!tileMode) "mv xdg-data/*_console.* $out/xdg-data"; fontsPath = lib.optionalString tileMode dejavu_fonts; makeFlags = [ "prefix=${placeholder "out"}" "FORCE_CC=${}cc" "FORCE_CXX=${}c++" "HOSTCXX=${}c++" "FORCE_PKGCONFIG=y" "SAVEDIR=~/.crawl" "sqlite=${}" "DATADIR=${placeholder "out"}" ] ++ lib.optional tileMode "TILES=y" ++ lib.optional enableSound "SOUND=y"; postInstall = lib.optionalString tileMode '' mv $out/bin/crawl $out/bin/crawl-tiles echo "Exec=crawl-tiles" >> $out/xdg-data/org.develz.Crawl_tiles.desktop echo "Icon=crawl" >> $out/xdg-data/org.develz.Crawl_tiles.desktop install -Dm444 $out/xdg-data/org.develz.Crawl_tiles.desktop -t $out/share/applications install -Dm444 $out/xdg-data/org.develz.Crawl_tiles.appdata.xml -t $out/share/metainfo '' + lib.optionalString (!tileMode) '' echo "Exec=crawl" >> $out/xdg-data/org.develz.Crawl_console.desktop echo "Icon=crawl" >> $out/xdg-data/org.develz.Crawl_console.desktop install -Dm444 $out/xdg-data/org.develz.Crawl_console.desktop -t $out/share/applications install -Dm444 $out/xdg-data/org.develz.Crawl_console.appdata.xml -t $out/share/metainfo '' + "install -Dm444 dat/tiles/stone_soup_icon-512x512.png $out/share/icons/hicolor/512x512/apps/crawl.png" ; enableParallelBuilding = true; meta = with lib; { description = "Open-source, single-player, role-playing roguelike game"; homepage = ""; longDescription = '' Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup, an open-source, single-player, role-playing roguelike game of exploration and treasure-hunting in dungeons filled with dangerous and unfriendly monsters in a quest to rescue the mystifyingly fabulous Orb of Zot. ''; platforms = platforms.linux ++ platforms.darwin; license = with licenses; [ gpl2Plus bsd2 bsd3 mit licenses.zlib cc0 ]; maintainers = [ maintainers.abbradar ]; }; }