2022-12-02T08:42:41 diffsitter 0.7.1 -> 0.7.2 https://repology.org/metapackage/diffsitter/versions 2022-12-02T08:42:44 attrpath: diffsitter 2022-12-02T08:42:44 Checking auto update branch... 2022-12-02T08:42:44 No auto update branch exists 2022-12-02T08:42:44 Old version 0.7.1" not present in master derivation file with contents: { lib , fetchFromGitHub , linkFarm , makeWrapper , rustPlatform , tree-sitter }: let # based on https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/aa07b78b9606daf1145a37f6299c6066939df075/pkgs/development/tools/parsing/tree-sitter/default.nix#L85-L104 withPlugins = grammarFn: let grammars = grammarFn tree-sitter.builtGrammars; in linkFarm "grammars" (map (drv: let name = lib.strings.getName drv; in { name = "lib" + (lib.strings.removeSuffix "-grammar" name) + ".so"; path = "${drv}/parser"; } ) grammars); libPath = withPlugins (_: tree-sitter.allGrammars); in rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec { pname = "diffsitter"; version = "0.7.2"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "afnanenayet"; repo = pname; rev = "v${version}"; sha256 = "sha256-oHG2vw981r9FZSwbJ+xcLemfQSMDrk6PAr/qtyImM04="; fetchSubmodules = false; }; cargoSha256 = "sha256-Cj9jdeeJNR/7mquEfaQCsFgiCjyJbZaaSkOzbU64T3U="; buildNoDefaultFeatures = true; buildFeatures = [ "dynamic-grammar-libs" ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ]; postInstall = '' wrapProgram "$out/bin/diffsitter" \ --prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : "${libPath}" ''; doCheck = false; # failures: # tests::diff_hunks_snapshot::_medium_cpp_cpp_false_expects # tests::diff_hunks_snapshot::_medium_cpp_cpp_true_expects # tests::diff_hunks_snapshot::_medium_rust_rs_false_expects # tests::diff_hunks_snapshot::_medium_rust_rs_true_expects # tests::diff_hunks_snapshot::_short_python_py_true_expects # tests::diff_hunks_snapshot::_short_rust_rs_true_expects meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://github.com/afnanenayet/diffsitter"; description = "A tree-sitter based AST difftool to get meaningful semantic diffs"; license = licenses.mit; maintainers = with maintainers; [ bbigras ]; }; }