elvish 0.18.0 -> 0.19.2 https://github.com/elves/elvish/releases attrpath: elvish Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 0.18.0" not present in master derivation file with contents: { lib , buildGoModule , fetchFromGitHub , runCommand }: let pname = "elvish"; version = "0.19.2"; shellPath = "/bin/elvish"; in buildGoModule { inherit pname version; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "elves"; repo = "elvish"; rev = "v${version}"; hash = "sha256-eCPJXCgmMvrJ2yVqYgXHXJWb6Ec0sutc91LNs4yRBYk="; }; vendorHash = "sha256-VMI20IP1jVkUK3rJm35szaFDfZGEEingUEL/xfVJ1cc="; subPackages = [ "cmd/elvish" ]; ldflags = [ "-s" "-w" "-X src.elv.sh/pkg/buildinfo.Version==${version}" ]; strictDeps = true; doCheck = false; doInstallCheck = true; installCheckPhase = '' runHook preInstallCheck $out${shellPath} -c " fn expect {|key expected| var actual = \$buildinfo[\$key] if (not-eq \$actual \$expected) { fail '\$buildinfo['\$key']: expected '(to-string \$expected)', got '(to-string \$actual) } } expect version ${version} " runHook postInstallCheck ''; passthru = { inherit shellPath; }; meta = { homepage = "https://elv.sh/"; description = "A friendly and expressive command shell"; longDescription = '' Elvish is a friendly interactive shell and an expressive programming language. It runs on Linux, BSDs, macOS and Windows. Despite its pre-1.0 status, it is already suitable for most daily interactive use. ''; license = lib.licenses.bsd2; maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ vrthra AndersonTorres ]; }; }