flatpak-builder 1.2.3 -> 1.4.2 https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak-builder/releases attrpath: flatpak-builder Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 1.2.3" not present in staging derivation file with contents: { lib, stdenv , fetchurl , substituteAll , nixosTests , docbook_xml_dtd_45 , docbook_xsl , gettext , libxml2 , libxslt , pkg-config , xmlto , meson , ninja , acl , appstream , breezy , binutils , bzip2 , coreutils , cpio , curl , debugedit , elfutils , flatpak , gitMinimal , glib , glibcLocales , gnumake , gnupg , gnutar , json-glib , libcap , libsoup , libyaml , ostree , patch , rpm , unzip , attr }: let installed_testdir = "${placeholder "installedTests"}/libexec/installed-tests/flatpak-builder"; in stdenv.mkDerivation (finalAttrs: { pname = "flatpak-builder"; version = "1.4.2"; outputs = [ "out" "doc" "man" "installedTests" ]; # fetchFromGitHub fetches an archive which does not contain the full source (https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak-builder/issues/558) src = fetchurl { # TODO: remove the '-fixed-libglnx' in the next release url = "https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak-builder/releases/download/${finalAttrs.version}/flatpak-builder-${finalAttrs.version}-fixed-libglnx.tar.xz"; hash = "sha256-wEG5dOA6LC082oig7+Hs9p+a30KhdY6sNB1VXnedBZY="; }; patches = [ # patch taken from gtk_doc ./respect-xml-catalog-files-var.patch # Hardcode paths (substituteAll { src = ./fix-paths.patch; brz = "${breezy}/bin/brz"; cp = "${coreutils}/bin/cp"; patch = "${patch}/bin/patch"; tar = "${gnutar}/bin/tar"; unzip = "${unzip}/bin/unzip"; rpm2cpio = "${rpm}/bin/rpm2cpio"; cpio = "${cpio}/bin/cpio"; git = "${gitMinimal}/bin/git"; rofilesfuse = "${ostree}/bin/rofiles-fuse"; strip = "${binutils}/bin/strip"; eustrip = "${elfutils}/bin/eu-strip"; euelfcompress = "${elfutils}/bin/eu-elfcompress"; }) (substituteAll { src = ./fix-test-paths.patch; inherit glibcLocales; }) ./fix-test-prefix.patch ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ meson ninja docbook_xml_dtd_45 docbook_xsl gettext libxml2 libxslt pkg-config xmlto ]; buildInputs = [ acl appstream bzip2 curl debugedit elfutils flatpak glib json-glib libcap libsoup libxml2 libyaml ostree ]; mesonFlags = [ "-Dinstalled_tests=true" "-Dinstalled_test_prefix=${placeholder "installedTests"}" ]; # Some scripts used by tests need to use shebangs that are available in Flatpak runtimes. dontPatchShebangs = true; enableParallelBuilding = true; # Installed tests postFixup = '' for file in ${installed_testdir}/{test-builder.sh,test-builder-python.sh,test-builder-deprecated.sh}; do patchShebangs $file done ''; passthru = { installedTestsDependencies = [ gnupg ostree gnumake attr libxml2 appstream ]; tests = { installedTests = nixosTests.installed-tests.flatpak-builder; }; }; meta = with lib; { description = "Tool to build flatpaks from source"; mainProgram = "flatpak-builder"; homepage = "https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak-builder"; license = licenses.lgpl21Plus; maintainers = with maintainers; [ arthsmn ]; platforms = platforms.linux; }; })