golangci-lint 1.57.0 -> 1.57.1 https://repology.org/project/golangci-lint/versions attrpath: golangci-lint Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 1.57.0" not present in master derivation file with contents: { buildGoModule, fetchFromGitHub, lib, installShellFiles }: buildGoModule rec { pname = "golangci-lint"; version = "1.57.1"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "golangci"; repo = "golangci-lint"; rev = "v${version}"; hash = "sha256-CDk0lmspteeewLzvixjIJr16M8Ko8uSgdnJZfJ1SqOA="; }; vendorHash = "sha256-lBRVnsttq6M9gyZfV4I/EOwsp6yGARCSYYefRvZvHEA="; subPackages = [ "cmd/golangci-lint" ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ installShellFiles ]; ldflags = [ "-s" "-w" "-X main.version=${version}" "-X main.commit=v${version}" "-X main.date=19700101-00:00:00" ]; postInstall = '' for shell in bash zsh fish; do HOME=$TMPDIR $out/bin/golangci-lint completion $shell > golangci-lint.$shell installShellCompletion golangci-lint.$shell done ''; meta = with lib; { description = "Fast linters Runner for Go"; homepage = "https://golangci-lint.run/"; changelog = "https://github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/blob/v${version}/CHANGELOG.md"; mainProgram = "golangci-lint"; license = licenses.gpl3Plus; maintainers = with maintainers; [ anpryl manveru mic92 ]; }; }