2022-11-06T06:31:35 habitat 0.90.6 -> 1.6.139 https://repology.org/metapackage/habitat/versions 2022-11-06T06:31:37 attrpath: habitat 2022-11-06T06:31:37 Checking auto update branch... 2022-11-06T06:31:37 No auto update branch exists 2022-11-06T06:31:41 [version] 2022-11-06T06:31:41 [version] generic version rewriter does not support multiple hashes 2022-11-06T06:31:41 [rustCrateVersion] 2022-11-06T06:33:34 [rustCrateVersion] Replacing cargoSha256 with sha256-hLFfXWDM5ulWQ+wuqIIaI+QMjVFskBkWPd/HzxXR3DI= 2022-11-06T06:34:19 Received ExitFailure 100 when running Raw command: /nix/store/6fr58pqy02hmgw1h7b9nqmv7vlp3v346-nix-2.3.15/bin/nix-build --option sandbox true --arg config "{ allowBroken = true; allowUnfree = true; allowAliases = false; }" --arg overlays "[ ]" -A habitat nix build failed.  <&'a isize as Div>  and 54 others error[E0308]: mismatched types  --> /build/habitat-1.6.139-vendor.tar.gz/lexical-core/src/atof/algorithm/math.rs:2065:27  | 2065 |  let rs = Limb::BITS - s;  |  ^ expected `u32`, found `usize` error[E0277]: cannot subtract `usize` from `u32`  --> /build/habitat-1.6.139-vendor.tar.gz/lexical-core/src/atof/algorithm/math.rs:2065:25  | 2065 |  let rs = Limb::BITS - s;  |  ^ no implementation for `u32 - usize`  |  = help: the trait `Sub` is not implemented for `u32`  = help: the following other types implement trait `Sub`:  <&'a f32 as Sub>  <&'a f64 as Sub>  <&'a i128 as Sub>  <&'a i16 as Sub>  <&'a i32 as Sub>  <&'a i64 as Sub>  <&'a i8 as Sub>  <&'a isize as Sub>  and 48 others Some errors have detailed explanations: E0277, E0308. For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0277`. error: could not compile `lexical-core` due to 27 previous errors