ibus 1.5.28 -> 1.5.29 https://repology.org/project/ibus/versions attrpath: ibus Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 1.5.28" not present in master derivation file with contents: { lib , stdenv , substituteAll , fetchFromGitHub , autoreconfHook , gettext , makeWrapper , pkg-config , vala , wrapGAppsHook , dbus , systemd , dconf ? null , glib , gdk-pixbuf , gobject-introspection , gtk3 , gtk4 , gtk-doc , libdbusmenu-gtk3 , runCommand , isocodes , cldr-annotations , unicode-character-database , unicode-emoji , python3 , json-glib , libnotify ? null , enableUI ? true , withWayland ? true , libxkbcommon , wayland , buildPackages , runtimeShell , nixosTests }: let python3Runtime = python3.withPackages (ps: with ps; [ pygobject3 ]); python3BuildEnv = python3.buildEnv.override { # ImportError: No module named site postBuild = '' makeWrapper ${glib.dev}/bin/gdbus-codegen $out/bin/gdbus-codegen --unset PYTHONPATH makeWrapper ${glib.dev}/bin/glib-genmarshal $out/bin/glib-genmarshal --unset PYTHONPATH makeWrapper ${glib.dev}/bin/glib-mkenums $out/bin/glib-mkenums --unset PYTHONPATH ''; }; # make-dconf-override-db.sh needs to execute dbus-launch in the sandbox, # it will fail to read /etc/dbus-1/session.conf unless we add this flag dbus-launch = runCommand "sandbox-dbus-launch" { nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ]; } '' makeWrapper ${dbus}/bin/dbus-launch $out/bin/dbus-launch \ --add-flags --config-file=${dbus}/share/dbus-1/session.conf ''; in stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "ibus"; version = "1.5.29"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "ibus"; repo = "ibus"; rev = version; sha256 = "sha256-d4EUIg0v8rfHdvzG5USc6GLY6QHtQpIJp1PrPaaBxxE="; }; patches = [ (substituteAll { src = ./fix-paths.patch; pythonInterpreter = python3Runtime.interpreter; pythonSitePackages = python3.sitePackages; }) ./build-without-dbus-launch.patch ]; outputs = [ "out" "dev" "installedTests" ]; postPatch = '' # Maintainer does not want to create separate tarballs for final release candidate and release versions, # so we need to set `ibus_released` to `1` in `configure.ac`. Otherwise, anyone running `ibus version` gets # a version with an inaccurate `-rcX` suffix. # https://github.com/ibus/ibus/issues/2584 substituteInPlace configure.ac --replace "m4_define([ibus_released], [0])" "m4_define([ibus_released], [1])" patchShebangs --build data/dconf/make-dconf-override-db.sh cp ${buildPackages.gtk-doc}/share/gtk-doc/data/gtk-doc.make . substituteInPlace bus/services/org.freedesktop.IBus.session.GNOME.service.in --replace "ExecStart=sh" "ExecStart=${runtimeShell}" substituteInPlace bus/services/org.freedesktop.IBus.session.generic.service.in --replace "ExecStart=sh" "ExecStart=${runtimeShell}" ''; preAutoreconf = "touch ChangeLog"; configureFlags = [ # The `AX_PROG_{CC,CXX}_FOR_BUILD` autoconf macros can pick up unwrapped GCC binaries, # so we set `{CC,CXX}_FOR_BUILD` to override that behavior. # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/21751 "CC_FOR_BUILD=${stdenv.cc}/bin/cc" "CXX_FOR_BUILD=${stdenv.cc}/bin/c++" "--disable-memconf" (lib.enableFeature (dconf != null) "dconf") (lib.enableFeature (libnotify != null) "libnotify") (lib.enableFeature withWayland "wayland") (lib.enableFeature enableUI "ui") "--disable-gtk2" "--enable-gtk4" "--enable-install-tests" "--with-unicode-emoji-dir=${unicode-emoji}/share/unicode/emoji" "--with-emoji-annotation-dir=${cldr-annotations}/share/unicode/cldr/common/annotations" "--with-ucd-dir=${unicode-character-database}/share/unicode" ]; makeFlags = [ "test_execsdir=${placeholder "installedTests"}/libexec/installed-tests/ibus" "test_sourcesdir=${placeholder "installedTests"}/share/installed-tests/ibus" ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ autoreconfHook gtk-doc gettext makeWrapper pkg-config python3BuildEnv vala wrapGAppsHook dbus-launch gobject-introspection ]; propagatedBuildInputs = [ glib ]; buildInputs = [ dbus systemd dconf gdk-pixbuf python3.pkgs.pygobject3 # for pygobject overrides gtk3 gtk4 isocodes json-glib libnotify libdbusmenu-gtk3 ] ++ lib.optionals withWayland [ libxkbcommon wayland ]; enableParallelBuilding = true; doCheck = false; # requires X11 daemon doInstallCheck = true; installCheckPhase = '' $out/bin/ibus version ''; postInstall = '' # It has some hardcoded FHS paths and also we do not use it # since we set up the environment in NixOS tests anyway. moveToOutput "bin/ibus-desktop-testing-runner" "$installedTests" ''; postFixup = '' # set necessary environment also for tests for f in $installedTests/libexec/installed-tests/ibus/*; do wrapGApp $f done ''; passthru = { tests = { installed-tests = nixosTests.installed-tests.ibus; }; }; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://github.com/ibus/ibus"; description = "Intelligent Input Bus, input method framework"; license = licenses.lgpl21Plus; platforms = platforms.linux; maintainers = with maintainers; [ ttuegel yana ]; }; }