intel-compute-runtime 23.13.26032.30 -> 23.17.26241.15 attrpath: intel-compute-runtime Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 23.13.26032.30" not present in master derivation file with contents: { lib , stdenv , fetchFromGitHub , patchelf , cmake , pkg-config , intel-gmmlib , intel-graphics-compiler , level-zero , libva }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "intel-compute-runtime"; version = "23.17.26241.15"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "intel"; repo = "compute-runtime"; rev = version; sha256 = "sha256-A0gtSM6e+VcfcGG/6zReV2LIXq6tGbWIwDQFlQ2TW28="; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake pkg-config ]; buildInputs = [ intel-gmmlib intel-graphics-compiler libva level-zero ]; cmakeFlags = [ "-DSKIP_UNIT_TESTS=1" "-DIGC_DIR=${intel-graphics-compiler}" "-DOCL_ICD_VENDORDIR=${placeholder "out"}/etc/OpenCL/vendors" # The install script assumes this path is relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=lib" ]; outputs = [ "out" "drivers" ]; postInstall = '' # Avoid clash with intel-ocl mv $out/etc/OpenCL/vendors/intel.icd $out/etc/OpenCL/vendors/intel-neo.icd mkdir -p $drivers/lib mv -t $drivers/lib $out/lib/libze_intel* ''; postFixup = '' patchelf --set-rpath ${lib.makeLibraryPath [ intel-gmmlib intel-graphics-compiler libva ]} \ $out/lib/intel-opencl/ ''; meta = with lib; { homepage = ""; description = "Intel Graphics Compute Runtime for OpenCL. Replaces Beignet for Gen8 (Broadwell) and beyond"; license =; platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" "aarch64-linux" ]; maintainers = with maintainers; [ SuperSandro2000 ]; }; }