iosevka 15.6.3 -> 17.0.2 attrpath: iosevka Checking auto update branch... [version] [version] skipping because derivation has updateScript [rustCrateVersion] [rustCrateVersion] No cargoSha256 or cargoHash found [golangModuleVersion] [golangModuleVersion] Not a buildGoModule package with vendorSha256 or vendorHash [updateScript] [updateScript] Success [updateScript] this derivation will be built: /nix/store/4wb9pqd9msfh2jkz82d28i48bs0l6g72-packages.json.drv building '/nix/store/4wb9pqd9msfh2jkz82d28i48bs0l6g72-packages.json.drv'... Going to be running update for following packages: - iosevka-15.6.3 Press Enter key to continue... Running update for: - iosevka-15.6.3: UPDATING ... - iosevka-15.6.3: DONE. Packages updated! [quotedUrls] [quotedUrls] nothing found to replace Diff after rewrites: diff --git a/pkgs/development/node-packages/node-packages.json b/pkgs/development/node-packages/node-packages.json index d686311dd55..ae5e4c97e59 100644 --- a/pkgs/development/node-packages/node-packages.json +++ b/pkgs/development/node-packages/node-packages.json @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ , "insect" , "intelephense" , "ionic" -, {"iosevka": ""} +, {"iosevka": ""} , "jake" , "javascript-typescript-langserver" , "joplin" No auto update branch exists Old version 15.6.3" not present in master derivation file with contents: [ "@angular/cli" , "@antfu/ni" , "@antora/cli" , "@antora/site-generator-default" , "@astrojs/language-server" , "@bitwarden/cli" , "@commitlint/cli" , "@commitlint/config-conventional" , "@emacs-eask/cli" , "@forge/cli" , "@google/clasp" , "@medable/mdctl-cli" , "@microsoft/rush" , "@nerdwallet/shepherd" , "@nestjs/cli" , "@squoosh/cli" , "@tailwindcss/aspect-ratio" , "@tailwindcss/forms" , "@tailwindcss/language-server" , "@tailwindcss/line-clamp" , "@tailwindcss/typography" , "@uppy/companion" , "@vue/cli" , {"@webassemblyjs/cli": "1.11.1"} , {"@webassemblyjs/repl": "1.11.1"} , "@webassemblyjs/wasm-strip" , {"@webassemblyjs/wasm-text-gen": "1.11.1"} , {"@webassemblyjs/wast-refmt": "1.11.1"} , "alex" , "alloy" , "antennas" , "asar" , "audiosprite" , "autoprefixer" , "auto-changelog" , "aws-azure-login" , "aws-cdk" , "awesome-lint" , "balanceofsatoshis" , "bash-language-server" , "bower" , "bower2nix" , "browserify" , "browser-sync" , "btc-rpc-explorer" , "castnow" , "carbon-now-cli" , "carto" , "cdk8s-cli" , "cdktf-cli" , "clean-css-cli" , "clipboard-cli" , "clubhouse-cli" , "coc-clangd" , "coc-cmake" , "coc-css" , "coc-diagnostic" , "coc-docker" , "coc-emmet" , "coc-eslint" , "coc-explorer" , "coc-flutter" , "coc-git" , "coc-go" , "coc-haxe" , "coc-highlight" , "coc-html" , "coc-imselect" , "coc-java" , "coc-jest" , "coc-json" , "coc-lists" , "coc-ltex" , "coc-markdownlint" , "coc-metals" , "coc-pairs" , "coc-prettier" , "coc-pyright" , "coc-python" , "coc-r-lsp" , "coc-rls" , "coc-rust-analyzer" , "coc-sh" , "coc-smartf" , "coc-snippets" , "coc-solargraph" , "coc-spell-checker" , "coc-stylelint" , "coc-sumneko-lua" , "coc-sqlfluff" , "coc-tabnine" , "coc-texlab" , "coc-toml" , "coc-tslint" , "coc-tslint-plugin" , "coc-tsserver" , "coc-ultisnips" , "coc-vetur" , "coc-vimlsp" , "coc-vimtex" , "coc-wxml" , "coc-yaml" , "coc-yank" , "code-theme-converter" , "coffee-script" , "coinmon" , "concurrently" , "configurable-http-proxy" , "conventional-changelog-cli" , "cordova" , "cpy-cli" , "create-cycle-app" , "create-react-app" , "create-react-native-app" , "cspell" , "csslint" , "dat" , "degit" , "dhcp" , "diagnostic-languageserver" , "dockerfile-language-server-nodejs" , "elasticdump" , "@electron-forge/cli" , "eas-cli" , "elm-oracle" , "elm-test" , "emoj" , "emojione" , {"epgstation": "../../applications/video/epgstation"} , {"epgstation-client": "../../applications/video/epgstation/client"} , "escape-string-regexp" , "eslint" , "eslint_d" , "esy" , "expo-cli" , "fast-cli" , "fauna-shell" , "firebase-tools" , "fixjson" , "fkill-cli" , "fleek-cli" , "flood" , "forever" , "fx" , "ganache" , "gatsby-cli" , "generator-code" , "get-graphql-schema" , "git-run" , "git-ssb" , "git-standup" , "@gitbeaker/cli" , "gitmoji-cli" , "glob" , "gramma" , "grammarly-languageserver" , "graphql" , "graphql-cli" , "graphql-language-service-cli" , "graphqurl" , "grunt-cli" , "makam" , "meshcommander" , "gqlint" , "gtop" , "gulp" , "gulp-cli" , "he" , "html-minifier" , "htmlhint" , "http-server" , "hsd" , "hs-airdrop" , "hs-client" , "hueadm" , "hyperpotamus" , "ijavascript" , "inliner" , "imapnotify" , "immich" , "indium" , "insect" , "intelephense" , "ionic" , {"iosevka": ""} , "jake" , "javascript-typescript-langserver" , "joplin" , "js-beautify" , "js-yaml" , "jsdoc" , "jshint" , "json" , "json-diff" , "json-refs" , "json-server" , "jsonlint" , "jsonplaceholder" , "kaput-cli" , "katex" , "karma" , "keyoxide" , "lcov-result-merger" , "leetcode-cli" , "vsc-leetcode-cli" , "lerna" , "less" , "less-plugin-clean-css" , "live-server" , "livedown" , "localtunnel" , "lodash" , "lua-fmt" , "lv_font_conv" , "madoko" , "manta" , "markdownlint-cli" , "markdownlint-cli2" , "markdown-link-check" , {"markdown-preview-nvim": "../../applications/editors/vim/plugins/markdown-preview-nvim"} , "mastodon-bot" , "mathjax" , "meat" , "@mermaid-js/mermaid-cli" , "mocha" , "multi-file-swagger" , "musescore-downloader" , "near-cli" , "neovim" , "nijs" , "node-gyp" , "node-gyp-build" , "node-inspector" , "node-pre-gyp" , "node-red" , "node2nix" , "nodemon" , "np" , "npm" , "npm-check-updates" , "npm-merge-driver" , "nrm" , "ocaml-language-server" , "orval" , "parcel-bundler" , "parcel" , "parsoid" , "patch-package" , "peerflix" , "peerflix-server" , {"photoprism-frontend": "../../servers/photoprism"} , "pkg" , "pm2" , "pnpm" , "poor-mans-t-sql-formatter-cli" , "postcss" , "postcss-cli" , "prebuild-install" , "prettier" , "prettier_d_slim" , "prettier-plugin-toml" , "prisma" , "@prisma/language-server" , "pscid" , "pulp" , "purescript-language-server" , "purescript-psa" , "purs-tidy" , "purty" , "pxder" , "pyright" , "quicktype" , "react-native-cli" , "react-static" , "react-tools" , "readability-cli" , "redoc-cli" , "remod-cli" , "reveal.js" , "reveal-md" , "rimraf" , "rollup" , { "rust-analyzer-build-deps": "../../applications/editors/vscode/extensions/rust-analyzer/build-deps" } , "rtlcss" , "s3http" , "sass" , "semver" , "serve" , "serverless" , "shout" , "sloc" , "smartdc" , "snyk" , "" , "speed-test" , "sql-formatter" , "ssb-server" , "stackdriver-statsd-backend" , "stf" , "stylelint" , "surge" , "svelte-check" , "svelte-language-server" , "svgo" , "swagger" , "tailwindcss" , {"tedicross": "git+"} , "teck-programmer" , "tern" , "terser" , "textlint" , "textlint-plugin-latex" , "textlint-rule-abbr-within-parentheses" , "textlint-rule-alex" , "textlint-rule-common-misspellings" , "textlint-rule-diacritics" , "textlint-rule-en-max-word-count" , "textlint-rule-max-comma" , "textlint-rule-no-start-duplicated-conjunction" , "textlint-rule-period-in-list-item" , "textlint-rule-stop-words" , "textlint-rule-terminology" , "textlint-rule-unexpanded-acronym" , "textlint-rule-write-good" , "thelounge" , "thelounge-plugin-closepms" , "thelounge-plugin-giphy" , "thelounge-plugin-shortcuts" , "thelounge-theme-abyss" , "thelounge-theme-amoled" , "thelounge-theme-amoled-sourcecodepro" , "thelounge-theme-bdefault" , "thelounge-theme-bmorning" , "thelounge-theme-chord" , "thelounge-theme-classic" , "thelounge-theme-common" , "thelounge-theme-crypto" , "thelounge-theme-discordapp" , "thelounge-theme-dracula" , "thelounge-theme-dracula-official" , "thelounge-theme-flat-blue" , "thelounge-theme-flat-dark" , "thelounge-theme-gruvbox" , "thelounge-theme-hexified" , "thelounge-theme-ion" , "thelounge-theme-light" , "thelounge-theme-midnight" , "thelounge-theme-mininapse" , "thelounge-theme-monokai-console" , "thelounge-theme-mortified" , "thelounge-theme-neuron-fork" , "thelounge-theme-new-morning" , "thelounge-theme-new-morning-compact" , "thelounge-theme-nologo" , "thelounge-theme-nord" , "thelounge-theme-onedark" , "thelounge-theme-purplenight" , "thelounge-theme-scoutlink" , "thelounge-theme-seraphimrp" , "thelounge-theme-solarized" , "thelounge-theme-solarized-fork-monospace" , "thelounge-theme-zenburn" , "thelounge-theme-zenburn-monospace" , "thelounge-theme-zenburn-sourcecodepro" , "three" , "tiddlywiki" , "titanium" , "triton" , "tsun" , "ts-node" , "ttf2eot" , "typescript" , "typescript-language-server" , "uglify-js" , "undollar" , "ungit" , "unified-language-server" , "vega-cli" , "vega-lite" , "vercel" , "vim-language-server" , "vls" , "vscode-css-languageserver-bin" , "vscode-html-languageserver-bin" , "vscode-json-languageserver" , "vscode-json-languageserver-bin" , "vscode-langservers-extracted" , "vue-cli" , "vue-language-server" , "wavedrom-cli" , "web-ext" , "webpack" , "webpack-cli" , "webpack-dev-server" , "copy-webpack-plugin" , "webtorrent-cli" , "@withgraphite/graphite-cli" , "wrangler" , "wring" , "write-good" , "@yaegassy/coc-nginx" , "yaml-language-server" , "yalc" , "yarn" , "yo" , "@zwave-js/server" , "zx" ]