iptables 1.8.9 -> 1.8.10 https://repology.org/project/iptables/versions attrpath: iptables Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 1.8.9" not present in staging derivation file with contents: { lib, stdenv, fetchurl , autoreconfHook, pkg-config, pruneLibtoolFiles, flex, bison , libmnl, libnetfilter_conntrack, libnfnetlink, libnftnl, libpcap , nftablesCompat ? true , gitUpdater }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { version = "1.8.10"; pname = "iptables"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://www.netfilter.org/projects/${pname}/files/${pname}-${version}.tar.xz"; sha256 = "XMJVwYk1bjF9BwdVzpNx62Oht4PDRJj7jDAmTzzFnJw="; }; outputs = [ "out" "dev" "man" ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ autoreconfHook pkg-config pruneLibtoolFiles flex bison ]; buildInputs = [ libmnl libnetfilter_conntrack libnfnetlink libnftnl libpcap ]; configureFlags = [ "--enable-bpf-compiler" "--enable-devel" "--enable-libipq" "--enable-nfsynproxy" "--enable-shared" ] ++ lib.optional (!nftablesCompat) "--disable-nftables"; enableParallelBuilding = true; postInstall = lib.optionalString nftablesCompat '' rm $out/sbin/{iptables,iptables-restore,iptables-save,ip6tables,ip6tables-restore,ip6tables-save} ln -sv xtables-nft-multi $out/bin/iptables ln -sv xtables-nft-multi $out/bin/iptables-restore ln -sv xtables-nft-multi $out/bin/iptables-save ln -sv xtables-nft-multi $out/bin/ip6tables ln -sv xtables-nft-multi $out/bin/ip6tables-restore ln -sv xtables-nft-multi $out/bin/ip6tables-save ''; passthru = { updateScript = gitUpdater { url = "https://git.netfilter.org/iptables"; rev-prefix = "v"; }; }; meta = with lib; { description = "A program to configure the Linux IP packet filtering ruleset"; homepage = "https://www.netfilter.org/projects/iptables/index.html"; platforms = platforms.linux; maintainers = with maintainers; [ fpletz ]; license = licenses.gpl2; downloadPage = "https://www.netfilter.org/projects/iptables/files/"; }; }