irods-icommands 4.2.11 -> 4.2.12 attrpath: irods-icommands Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 4.2.11" not present in master derivation file with contents: { lib, stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, bzip2, zlib, autoconf, automake, cmake, help2man, texinfo, libtool, cppzmq , libarchive, avro-cpp_llvm, boost, zeromq, openssl, pam, libiodbc, libkrb5, gcc, libcxx, which, catch2 , nanodbc_llvm, fmt, nlohmann_json, spdlog, curl }: let avro-cpp = avro-cpp_llvm; nanodbc = nanodbc_llvm; in let common = import ./common.nix { inherit lib stdenv bzip2 zlib autoconf automake cmake help2man texinfo libtool cppzmq libarchive zeromq openssl pam libiodbc libkrb5 gcc libcxx boost avro-cpp which catch2 nanodbc fmt nlohmann_json spdlog curl; }; in rec { # irods: libs and server package irods = stdenv.mkDerivation (finalAttrs: common // { version = "4.3.0"; pname = "irods"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "irods"; repo = "irods"; rev = finalAttrs.version; sha256 = "sha256-rceDGFpfoFIByzDOtgNIo9JRoVd0syM21MjEKoZUQaE="; fetchSubmodules = true; }; # fix build with recent llvm versions env.NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = "-Wno-deprecated-register -Wno-deprecated-declarations"; postPatch = common.postPatch + '' patchShebangs ./test substituteInPlace plugins/database/CMakeLists.txt --replace "COMMAND cpp" "COMMAND ${}/bin/cpp" for file in unit_tests/cmake/test_config/*.cmake do substituteInPlace $file --replace "CATCH2}/include" "CATCH2}/include/catch2" done export cmakeFlags="$cmakeFlags -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=-Wl,-rpath,$out/lib -DCMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS=-Wl,-rpath,$out/lib -DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS=-Wl,-rpath,$out/lib " substituteInPlace server/auth/CMakeLists.txt --replace SETUID "" ''; meta = common.meta // { longDescription = common.meta.longDescription + "This package provides the servers and libraries."; }; }); # icommands (CLI) package, depends on the irods package irods-icommands = stdenv.mkDerivation (finalAttrs: common // { version = "4.3.0"; pname = "irods-icommands"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "irods"; repo = "irods_client_icommands"; rev = finalAttrs.version; sha256 = "sha256-90q1GPkoEUoiQXM6cA+DWwth7g8v93V471r9jm+l9aw="; }; buildInputs = common.buildInputs ++ [ irods ]; postPatch = common.postPatch + '' patchShebangs ./bin ''; cmakeFlags = common.cmakeFlags ++ [ "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${stdenv.out}" "-DIRODS_DIR=${irods}/lib/irods/cmake" "-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS=-Wl,-rpath,${irods}/lib" "-DCMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS=-Wl,-rpath,${irods}/lib" "-DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS=-Wl,-rpath,${irods}/lib" ]; meta = common.meta // { description = common.meta.description + " CLI clients"; longDescription = common.meta.longDescription + "This package provides the CLI clients, called 'icommands'."; }; }); }