jamesdsp 2.4 -> 2.5.1 https://github.com/Audio4Linux/JDSP4Linux/releases attrpath: jamesdsp Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 2.4" not present in master derivation file with contents: { stdenv , lib , mkDerivation , fetchFromGitHub , pipewire , pulseaudio , gst_all_1 , glibmm , qmake , qtbase , qtsvg , wrapQtAppsHook , makeDesktopItem , pkg-config , libarchive , copyDesktopItems , usePipewire ? true , usePulseaudio ? false }: assert lib.asserts.assertMsg (usePipewire != usePulseaudio) "You need to enable one and only one of pulseaudio or pipewire support"; let pluginPath = lib.makeSearchPathOutput "lib" "lib/gstreamer-1.0" (with gst_all_1; [ gstreamer gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good ]); in mkDerivation rec { pname = "jamesdsp"; version = "2.5.1"; src = fetchFromGitHub rec { owner = "Audio4Linux"; repo = "JDSP4Linux"; fetchSubmodules = true; rev = version; hash = "sha256-osbRiUa/CKq4l3pV2MZYKcECEfa1ee3SAQ8RsiimbA4="; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ qmake pkg-config copyDesktopItems wrapQtAppsHook ]; buildInputs = [ glibmm libarchive qtbase qtsvg ] ++ lib.optional usePipewire pipewire ++ lib.optionals usePulseaudio [ pulseaudio gst_all_1.gst-plugins-base gst_all_1.gst-plugins-good gst_all_1.gstreamer ]; qtWrapperArgs = lib.optionals usePulseaudio [ "--prefix GST_PLUGIN_SYSTEM_PATH_1_0 : ${pluginPath}" ]; qmakeFlags = lib.optionals usePulseaudio [ "CONFIG+=USE_PULSEAUDIO" ]; desktopItems = [ (makeDesktopItem { name = "jamesdsp"; desktopName = "JamesDSP"; genericName = "Audio effects processor"; exec = "jamesdsp"; icon = "jamesdsp"; comment = "JamesDSP for Linux"; categories = [ "AudioVideo" "Audio" ]; startupNotify = false; keywords = [ "equalizer" "audio" "effect" ]; }) ]; postInstall = '' install -D resources/icons/icon.png $out/share/pixmaps/jamesdsp.png install -D resources/icons/icon.svg $out/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/jamesdsp.svg ''; meta = with lib;{ broken = (stdenv.isLinux && stdenv.isAarch64); description = "An audio effect processor for PipeWire clients"; homepage = "https://github.com/Audio4Linux/JDSP4Linux"; license = licenses.gpl3Only; maintainers = with maintainers; [ pasqui23 rewine ]; platforms = platforms.linux; }; }