2022-12-13T12:44:44 josh 22.06.22 -> 22.12.06 https://github.com/esrlabs/josh/releases 2022-12-13T12:44:46 attrpath: josh 2022-12-13T12:44:46 Checking auto update branch... 2022-12-13T12:44:46 No auto update branch exists 2022-12-13T12:44:50 [version] 2022-12-13T12:44:50 [version] generic version rewriter does not support multiple hashes 2022-12-13T12:44:50 [rustCrateVersion] 2022-12-13T12:46:28 [rustCrateVersion] Replacing cargoSha256 with sha256-hiDQiNlGUaaAwiZGeOYUlA3IsHcInHi1W5w+G913gGs= 2022-12-13T12:47:15 Received ExitFailure 100 when running Raw command: /nix/store/6fr58pqy02hmgw1h7b9nqmv7vlp3v346-nix-2.3.15/bin/nix-build --option sandbox true --arg config "{ allowBroken = true; allowUnfree = true; allowAliases = false; }" --arg overlays "[ ]" -A josh nix build failed.  Compiling josh-rpc v0.1.0 (/build/source/josh-rpc)  Compiling h2 v0.3.15  Compiling opentelemetry_api v0.18.0  Compiling serde_yaml v0.9.14  Compiling opentelemetry_sdk v0.18.0  Compiling bson v1.2.4  Compiling handlebars v4.3.5  Compiling rs_tracing v1.0.1  Compiling opentelemetry v0.18.0  Compiling opentelemetry-semantic-conventions v0.10.0  Compiling tracing-opentelemetry v0.18.0  Compiling opentelemetry-jaeger v0.17.0  Compiling juniper v0.15.10  Compiling hyper v0.14.20  Compiling hyper-reverse-proxy v0.5.1  Compiling hyper-tls v0.5.0  Compiling hyper-staticfile v0.9.1  Compiling hyper_cgi v22.10.25 (/build/source/hyper_cgi)  Compiling reqwest v0.11.12  Compiling josh v22.4.15 (/build/source) error: git describe failed with status 128: fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git  --> src/lib.rs:104:5  | 104 |  git_version::git_version!(args = ["--tags", "--always", "--dirty=-modified"]);  |  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  |  = note: this error originates in the macro `proc_macro_call` which comes from the expansion of the macro `git_version::git_version` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info) error: could not compile `josh` due to previous error warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...