kibana 7.17.10 -> 8.10.4 attrpath: kibana Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 7.17.10" not present in master derivation file with contents: { elk7Version , enableUnfree ? true , lib , stdenv , makeWrapper , fetchurl , nodejs_16 , coreutils , which }: let nodejs = nodejs_16; inherit (builtins) elemAt; info = lib.splitString "-" stdenv.hostPlatform.system; arch = elemAt info 0; plat = elemAt info 1; hashes = { x86_64-linux = "sha512-09XokG5krjxGnk34DhxpLOGRLjb2jd82uZtwGfrzSuuqMpBhkEptK2oySGxuGdHF8uowwlR5p5YO2TvBwMsWkQ=="; x86_64-darwin = "sha512-cqRJnvu730Jfkr6vwbHUFuZube1g522cmvnDwTzhGGK6VN/7+9XL3vavqtUPDVdTLTUk+DrNiIQK7MaJH3SHMg=="; aarch64-linux = "sha512-zhtYThz5j4+w5gI1JWSnHv709Tk23eegVsrtYmdaYhZiTw2yvCTYI5uNAfBjBr8XPdp6CKF4e6Bh2wHKDYg1mg=="; aarch64-darwin = "sha512-cqRJnvu730Jfkr6vwbHUFuZube1g522cmvnDwTzhGGK6VN/7+9XL3vavqtUPDVdTLTUk+DrNiIQK7MaJH3SHMg=="; }; in stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "kibana"; version = elk7Version; src = fetchurl { url = "${pname}-${version}-${plat}-${arch}.tar.gz"; hash = hashes.${stdenv.hostPlatform.system} or (throw "Unknown architecture"); }; patches = [ # Kibana specifies it specifically needs nodejs 10.15.2 but nodejs in nixpkgs is at 10.15.3. # The test succeeds with this newer version so lets just # disable the version check. ./disable-nodejs-version-check-7.patch ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ]; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out/libexec/kibana $out/bin mv * $out/libexec/kibana/ rm -r $out/libexec/kibana/node makeWrapper $out/libexec/kibana/bin/kibana $out/bin/kibana \ --prefix PATH : "${lib.makeBinPath [ nodejs coreutils which ]}" sed -i 's@NODE=.*@NODE=${nodejs}/bin/node@' $out/libexec/kibana/bin/kibana ''; meta = with lib; { description = "Visualize logs and time-stamped data"; homepage = ""; license = licenses.elastic20; maintainers = with maintainers; [ offline basvandijk ]; platforms = with platforms; unix; }; }