libqmi 1.30.8 -> 1.32.2 attrpath: libqmi Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 1.30.8" not present in staging derivation file with contents: { lib , stdenv , fetchFromGitLab , fetchpatch2 , meson , ninja , pkg-config , gobject-introspection , gtk-doc , docbook-xsl-nons , docbook_xml_dtd_43 , help2man , glib , python3 , libgudev , bash-completion , libmbim , libqrtr-glib }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "libqmi"; version = "1.32.2"; outputs = [ "out" "dev" "devdoc" ]; src = fetchFromGitLab { domain = ""; owner = "mobile-broadband"; repo = "libqmi"; rev = version; hash = "sha256-XIbeWgkPiJL8hN8Rb6KFt5Q5sG3KsiEQr0EnhwmI6h8="; }; patches = [ # Fix pkg-config file missing qrtr in Requires. # (fetchpatch2 { url = ""; hash = "sha256-LFrlm2ZqLqewLGO2FxL5kFYbZ7HaxdxvVHsFHYSgZ4Y="; }) ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ meson ninja pkg-config gobject-introspection python3 gtk-doc docbook-xsl-nons docbook_xml_dtd_43 help2man ]; buildInputs = [ libgudev bash-completion libmbim ]; propagatedBuildInputs = [ glib libqrtr-glib ]; mesonFlags = [ "-Dudevdir=${placeholder "out"}/lib/udev" (lib.mesonBool "gtk_doc" (stdenv.buildPlatform == stdenv.hostPlatform)) (lib.mesonBool "introspection" (stdenv.buildPlatform == stdenv.hostPlatform)) ]; doCheck = true; postPatch = '' patchShebangs \ build-aux/qmi-codegen/qmi-codegen ''; meta = with lib; { homepage = ""; description = "Modem protocol helper library"; maintainers = teams.freedesktop.members; platforms = platforms.linux; license = with licenses; [ # Library lgpl2Plus # Tools gpl2Plus ]; changelog = "${version}/NEWS"; }; }