linuxKernel.packages.linux_6_1_hardened.sysdig 0.35.1 -> 0.35.3 attrpath: linuxKernel.packages.linux_6_1_hardened.sysdig Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 0.35.1" not present in master derivation file with contents: { lib, stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, cmake, kernel, installShellFiles, pkg-config , luajit, ncurses, perl, jsoncpp, openssl, curl, jq, gcc, elfutils, tbb, protobuf, grpc , yaml-cpp, nlohmann_json, re2, zstd, uthash }: let # Compare with libsRev = "0.14.2"; libsHash = "sha256-sWrniRB/vQd1BZnsiz+wLHugrF3LhuAr9e9gDMavLoo="; # Compare with valijson = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "tristanpenman"; repo = "valijson"; rev = "v0.6"; hash = "sha256-ZD19Q2MxMQd3yEKbY90GFCrerie5/jzgO8do4JQDoKM="; }; # driver = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "falcosecurity"; repo = "libs"; rev = "7.0.0+driver"; hash = "sha256-kXqvfM7HbGh2wEGaO4KBkFDW+m5gpOShJZKJLu9McKk="; }; in stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "sysdig"; version = "0.35.3"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "draios"; repo = "sysdig"; rev = version; hash = "sha256-wvCnWzQbkkM8qEG93li22P67WX1bGX9orTk+2vsBHZY="; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake perl installShellFiles pkg-config ]; buildInputs = [ luajit ncurses openssl curl jq gcc elfutils tbb re2 protobuf grpc yaml-cpp jsoncpp nlohmann_json zstd uthash ] ++ lib.optionals (kernel != null) kernel.moduleBuildDependencies; hardeningDisable = [ "pic" ]; postUnpack = '' cp -r ${fetchFromGitHub { owner = "falcosecurity"; repo = "libs"; rev = libsRev; hash = libsHash; }} libs chmod -R +w libs substituteInPlace libs/userspace/libscap/ libs/userspace/libsinsp/ \ --replace-fail "\''${prefix}/@CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR@" "@CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBDIR@" \ --replace-fail "\''${prefix}/@CMAKE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR@" "@CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_INCLUDEDIR@" cp -r ${driver} driver-src chmod -R +w driver-src cmakeFlagsArray+=( "-DFALCOSECURITY_LIBS_SOURCE_DIR=$(pwd)/libs" "-DDRIVER_SOURCE_DIR=$(pwd)/driver-src/driver" ) ''; cmakeFlags = [ "-DUSE_BUNDLED_DEPS=OFF" "-DSYSDIG_VERSION=${version}" "-DUSE_BUNDLED_B64=OFF" "-DUSE_BUNDLED_TBB=OFF" "-DUSE_BUNDLED_RE2=OFF" "-DUSE_BUNDLED_JSONCPP=OFF" "-DCREATE_TEST_TARGETS=OFF" "-DVALIJSON_INCLUDE=${valijson}/include" "-DUTHASH_INCLUDE=${uthash}/include" ] ++ lib.optional (kernel == null) "-DBUILD_DRIVER=OFF"; env.NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = # needed since luajit-2.1.0-beta3 "-DluaL_reg=luaL_Reg -DluaL_getn(L,i)=((int)lua_objlen(L,i)) " + # fix compiler warnings been treated as errors "-Wno-error"; preConfigure = '' if ! grep -q "${libsRev}" cmake/modules/falcosecurity-libs.cmake; then echo "falcosecurity-libs checksum needs to be updated!" exit 1 fi cmakeFlagsArray+=(-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-ltbb -lcurl -lzstd -labsl_synchronization") '' + lib.optionalString (kernel != null) '' export INSTALL_MOD_PATH="$out" export KERNELDIR="${}/lib/modules/${kernel.modDirVersion}/build" ''; postInstall = '' # Fix the bash completion location installShellCompletion --bash $out/etc/bash_completion.d/sysdig rm $out/etc/bash_completion.d/sysdig rmdir $out/etc/bash_completion.d rmdir $out/etc '' + lib.optionalString (kernel != null) '' make install_driver kernel_dev=${} kernel_dev=''${kernel_dev#${builtins.storeDir}/} kernel_dev=''${kernel_dev%%-linux*dev*} if test -f "$out/lib/modules/${kernel.modDirVersion}/extra/scap.ko"; then sed -i "s#$kernel_dev#................................#g" $out/lib/modules/${kernel.modDirVersion}/extra/scap.ko else for i in $out/lib/modules/${kernel.modDirVersion}/{extra,updates}/scap.ko.xz; do if test -f "$i"; then xz -d $i sed -i "s#$kernel_dev#................................#g" ''${i%.xz} xz -9 ''${i%.xz} fi done fi ''; meta = with lib; { description = "A tracepoint-based system tracing tool for Linux (with clients for other OSes)"; license = with licenses; [ asl20 gpl2 mit ]; maintainers = [maintainers.raskin]; platforms = ["x86_64-linux"] ++ platforms.darwin; broken = kernel != null && versionOlder kernel.version "4.14"; homepage = ""; downloadPage = ""; }; }