linux_xanmod_latest 6.3.5 -> 6.3.9-xanmod1 attrpath: linux_xanmod_latest Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 6.3.5" not present in master derivation file with contents: { lib, stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, buildLinux, ... } @ args: let # These names are how they are designated in ltsVariant = { version = "6.1.35"; hash = "sha256-CfrM2CNaGUTfkVteudL8xnAuCdZJxD5pUEC1YW9LiuU="; variant = "lts"; }; mainVariant = { version = "6.3.9"; hash = "sha256-t1fKPZ+giANPmhM4zGoGtYWJF6rDnbpJaoHILl3nyRI="; variant = "main"; }; xanmodKernelFor = { version, suffix ? "xanmod1", hash, variant }: buildLinux (args // rec { inherit version; modDirVersion = lib.versions.pad 3 "${version}-${suffix}"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "xanmod"; repo = "linux"; rev = modDirVersion; inherit hash; }; structuredExtraConfig = with lib.kernel; { # AMD P-state driver X86_AMD_PSTATE = lib.mkOverride 60 yes; # Google's BBRv2 TCP congestion Control TCP_CONG_BBR2 = yes; DEFAULT_BBR2 = yes; # FQ-PIE Packet Scheduling NET_SCH_DEFAULT = yes; DEFAULT_FQ_PIE = yes; # Futex WAIT_MULTIPLE implementation for Wine / Proton Fsync. FUTEX = yes; FUTEX_PI = yes; # WineSync driver for fast kernel-backed Wine WINESYNC = module; # Preemptive Full Tickless Kernel at 500Hz HZ = freeform "500"; HZ_500 = yes; HZ_1000 = no; }; extraMeta = { branch = lib.versions.majorMinor version; maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ fortuneteller2k lovesegfault atemu shawn8901 ]; description = "Built with custom settings and new features built to provide a stable, responsive and smooth desktop experience"; broken = stdenv.isAarch64; }; } // (args.argsOverride or { })); in { lts = xanmodKernelFor ltsVariant; main = xanmodKernelFor mainVariant; }