maturin 1.4.0 -> 1.5.0 attrpath: maturin Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 1.4.0" not present in staging derivation file with contents: { callPackage , lib , stdenv , fetchFromGitHub , rustPlatform , libiconv , Security }: rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec { pname = "maturin"; version = "1.5.0"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "PyO3"; repo = "maturin"; rev = "v${version}"; hash = "sha256-DXPhe6QI1IEPA/Y+qDMu92i18uhXCN0VVJpCoAIDs4c="; }; cargoHash = "sha256-3K131d7bDvfmAhYWFNyY+qwi7F8vKk3kw4L+fM0LKMo="; buildInputs = lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ Security libiconv ]; # Requires network access, fails in sandbox. doCheck = false; passthru.tests.pyo3 = callPackage ./pyo3-test {}; meta = with lib; { description = "Build and publish Rust crates Python packages"; longDescription = '' Build and publish Rust crates with PyO3, rust-cpython, and cffi bindings as well as Rust binaries as Python packages. This project is meant as a zero-configuration replacement for setuptools-rust and Milksnake. It supports building wheels for Python and can upload them to PyPI. ''; homepage = ""; changelog = "${version}/"; license = with licenses; [ asl20 /* or */ mit ]; maintainers = [ ]; }; }