2022-11-10T01:40:09 mozillavpn 2.9.0 -> 2.10.1 https://github.com/mozilla-mobile/mozilla-vpn-client/releases 2022-11-10T01:40:13 attrpath: mozillavpn 2022-11-10T01:40:13 Checking auto update branch... 2022-11-10T01:40:13 No auto update branch exists 2022-11-10T01:40:14 Old version 2.9.0" not present in master derivation file with contents: { buildGoModule , cmake , fetchFromGitHub , go , lib , pkg-config , polkit , python3 , qt5compat , qtbase , qtcharts , qtnetworkauth , qttools , qtwebsockets , rustPlatform , stdenv , which , wireguard-tools , wrapQtAppsHook }: let pname = "mozillavpn"; version = "2.10.1"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "mozilla-mobile"; repo = "mozilla-vpn-client"; rev = "v${version}"; fetchSubmodules = true; hash = "sha256-am2acceDig7tjhkO5GiWfvkq0Mabyxedbc8mR49SXBU="; }; netfilter-go-modules = (buildGoModule { inherit pname version src; modRoot = "linux/netfilter"; vendorHash = "sha256-Cmo0wnl0z5r1paaEf1MhCPbInWeoMhGjnxCxGh0cyO8="; }).go-modules; extensionBridgeDeps = rustPlatform.fetchCargoTarball { inherit src; name = "${pname}-${version}-extension-bridge"; preBuild = "cd extension/bridge"; hash = "sha256-sw6iylh3SgCDA1z/xvwNGWrCU2xr7IVPUL4fdOi43lc="; }; signatureDeps = rustPlatform.fetchCargoTarball { inherit src; name = "${pname}-${version}-signature"; preBuild = "cd signature"; hash = "sha256-gBJIzTTo6i415aHwUsBriokUt2K/r55QCpC6Tv8GXh4="; }; in stdenv.mkDerivation { inherit pname version src; buildInputs = [ polkit qt5compat qtbase qtcharts qtnetworkauth qtwebsockets ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake go pkg-config python3 python3.pkgs.glean-parser python3.pkgs.lxml python3.pkgs.pyyaml python3.pkgs.setuptools rustPlatform.cargoSetupHook rustPlatform.rust.cargo which wrapQtAppsHook ]; postUnpack = '' pushd source/extension/bridge cargoDeps='${extensionBridgeDeps}' cargoSetupPostUnpackHook extensionBridgeDepsCopy="$cargoDepsCopy" popd pushd source/signature cargoDeps='${signatureDeps}' cargoSetupPostUnpackHook signatureDepsCopy="$cargoDepsCopy" popd ''; dontCargoSetupPostUnpack = true; postPatch = '' for file in linux/*.service linux/extra/*.desktop src/platforms/linux/daemon/*.service; do substituteInPlace "$file" --replace /usr/bin/mozillavpn "$out/bin/mozillavpn" done substituteInPlace scripts/addon/build.py \ --replace 'qtbinpath = args.qtpath' 'qtbinpath = "${qttools.dev}/bin"' \ --replace 'rcc = os.path.join(qtbinpath, rcc_bin)' 'rcc = "${qtbase.dev}/libexec/rcc"' substituteInPlace src/cmake/linux.cmake \ --replace '/etc/xdg/autostart' "$out/etc/xdg/autostart" \ --replace '${"$"}{POLKIT_POLICY_DIR}' "$out/share/polkit-1/actions" \ --replace '/usr/share/dbus-1' "$out/share/dbus-1" \ --replace '${"$"}{SYSTEMD_UNIT_DIR}' "$out/lib/systemd/system" substituteInPlace extension/CMakeLists.txt \ --replace '/etc' "$out/etc" substituteInPlace src/connectionbenchmark/benchmarktaskdownload.cpp \ --replace 'QT_VERSION >= 0x060400' 'false' ln -s '${netfilter-go-modules}' linux/netfilter/vendor pushd extension/bridge cargoDepsCopy="$extensionBridgeDepsCopy" cargoSetupPostPatchHook popd pushd signature cargoDepsCopy="$signatureDepsCopy" cargoSetupPostPatchHook popd cargoSetupPostPatchHook() { true; } ''; cmakeFlags = [ "-DQT_LCONVERT_EXECUTABLE=${qttools.dev}/bin/lconvert" "-DQT_LUPDATE_EXECUTABLE=${qttools.dev}/bin/lupdate" "-DQT_LRELEASE_EXECUTABLE=${qttools.dev}/bin/lrelease" ]; dontFixCmake = true; qtWrapperArgs = [ "--prefix" "PATH" ":" (lib.makeBinPath [ wireguard-tools ]) ]; meta = { description = "Client for the Mozilla VPN service"; homepage = "https://vpn.mozilla.org/"; license = lib.licenses.mpl20; maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ andersk ]; platforms = lib.platforms.linux; }; }