nfs-ganesha 4.3 -> 4.4 attrpath: nfs-ganesha Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 4.3" not present in master derivation file with contents: { lib, stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, cmake, pkg-config , krb5, xfsprogs, jemalloc, dbus, libcap , ntirpc, liburcu, bison, flex, nfs-utils, acl } : stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "nfs-ganesha"; version = "4.4"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "nfs-ganesha"; repo = "nfs-ganesha"; rev = "V${version}"; sha256 = "sha256-MEPy2TXVTegwCpuaIrMol7ag8anxxdcj11z5eYNkDqQ="; }; preConfigure = "cd src"; cmakeFlags = [ "-DUSE_SYSTEM_NTIRPC=ON" "-DSYSSTATEDIR=/var" "-DENABLE_VFS_POSIX_ACL=ON" ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake pkg-config bison flex ]; buildInputs = [ acl krb5 xfsprogs jemalloc dbus.lib libcap ntirpc liburcu nfs-utils ]; meta = with lib; { description = "NFS server that runs in user space"; homepage = ""; maintainers = [ maintainers.markuskowa ]; platforms = platforms.linux; license = licenses.lgpl3Plus; }; }