norouter 0.6.4 -> 0.6.5 attrpath: norouter Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 0.6.4" not present in master derivation file with contents: { lib , buildGoModule , fetchFromGitHub }: buildGoModule rec { pname = "norouter"; version = "0.6.5"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "norouter"; repo = pname; rev = "v${version}"; sha256 = "sha256-EY/Yfyaz2DeQKHJ4awpQDbrVkse9crIZlLzfviPy3Tk="; }; vendorSha256 = "sha256-RxrmYfEm1Maq8byoLXUr5RfXcwgqpCcAq5enMnl9V9E="; subPackages = [ "cmd/norouter" ]; doInstallCheck = true; installCheckPhase = '' runHook preInstallCheck $out/bin/norouter --version | grep ${version} > /dev/null runHook postInstallCheck ''; meta = with lib; { description = "Tool to handle unprivileged networking by using multiple loopback addresses"; homepage = ""; license = licenses.asl20; maintainers = with maintainers; [ blaggacao ]; }; }