osm2pgsql 1.10.0 -> 1.11.0 https://repology.org/project/osm2pgsql/versions attrpath: osm2pgsql Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 1.10.0" not present in master derivation file with contents: { lib, stdenv , fetchFromGitHub , cmake , expat , fmt , proj , bzip2 , cli11 , zlib , boost , postgresql , python3 , withLuaJIT ? false , lua , luajit , libosmium , nlohmann_json , opencv , potrace , protozero , testers }: stdenv.mkDerivation (finalAttrs: { pname = "osm2pgsql"; version = "1.11.0"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "osm2pgsql-dev"; repo = "osm2pgsql"; rev = finalAttrs.version; hash = "sha256-95B4WVaf3AwaC+S6dCJpUq/1J47rOZjWUBxmRqHCu4w="; }; postPatch = '' # Remove bundled libraries rm -r contrib ''; nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ]; buildInputs = [ boost bzip2 cli11 expat fmt libosmium nlohmann_json opencv postgresql potrace proj protozero (python3.withPackages (p: with p; [ psycopg2 pyosmium ])) zlib ] ++ lib.optional withLuaJIT luajit ++ lib.optional (!withLuaJIT) lua; cmakeFlags = [ (lib.cmakeBool "EXTERNAL_LIBOSMIUM" true) (lib.cmakeBool "EXTERNAL_PROTOZERO" true) (lib.cmakeBool "EXTERNAL_FMT" true) (lib.cmakeBool "WITH_LUAJIT" withLuaJIT) ]; installFlags = [ "install-gen" ]; passthru.tests.version = testers.testVersion { package = finalAttrs.finalPackage; }; meta = with lib; { description = "OpenStreetMap data to PostgreSQL converter"; homepage = "https://osm2pgsql.org"; license = licenses.gpl2Plus; platforms = platforms.unix; maintainers = with maintainers; teams.geospatial.members ++ [ jglukasik das-g ]; }; })