pekwm 0.2.1 -> 0.3.0 attrpath: pekwm Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 0.2.1" not present in master derivation file with contents: { lib , stdenv , fetchFromGitHub , awk , grep , sed , runtimeShell , cmake , libXext , libXft , libXinerama , libXpm , libXrandr , libjpeg , libpng , pkg-config }: stdenv.mkDerivation (self: { pname = "pekwm"; version = "0.3.0"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "pekdon"; repo = "pekwm"; rev = "release-${self.version}"; hash= "sha256-hA+TBAs9NMcc5DKIkzyUHWck3Xht+yeCO54xJ6oXXuQ="; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake pkg-config ]; cmakeFlags = [ "-DAWK=${awk}/bin/awk" "-DGREP=${grep}/bin/grep" "-DSED=${sed}/bin/sed" "-DSH=${runtimeShell}" ]; buildInputs = [ libXext libXft libXinerama libXpm libXrandr libjpeg libpng ]; meta = { homepage = ""; description = "A lightweight window manager"; longDescription = '' pekwm is a window manager that once upon a time was based on the aewm++ window manager, but it has evolved enough that it no longer resembles aewm++ at all. It has a much expanded feature-set, including window grouping (similar to ion, pwm, or fluxbox), autoproperties, xinerama, keygrabber that supports keychains, and much more. - Lightweight and Unobtrusive, a window manager shouldn't be noticed. - Very configurable, we all work and think in different ways. - Automatic properties, for all the lazy people, make things appear as they should when starting applications. - Chainable Keygrabber, usability for everyone. ''; changelog = "${self.version}/"; license = lib.licenses.gpl2Plus; maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.AndersonTorres ]; platforms = lib.platforms.linux; }; })