pwndbg 2022.12.19 -> 20230717 attrpath: pwndbg Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists [version] stderr did not split as expected full stderr was: this derivation will be built: /nix/store/vs1byvq81yi1ap1xbw1i7vhm8s5w14w5-source.drv building '/nix/store/vs1byvq81yi1ap1xbw1i7vhm8s5w14w5-source.drv'... exporting (rev 20230717) into /nix/store/bqfq4db6nwycmkdrql9igsbrayqsw3g2-source Initialized empty Git repository in /nix/store/bqfq4db6nwycmkdrql9igsbrayqsw3g2-source/.git/ fatal: couldn't find remote ref 20230717 remote: Enumerating objects: 13241, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (2349/2349), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (555/555), done. remote: Total 13241 (delta 1995), reused 1917 (delta 1793), pack-reused 10892 Receiving objects: 100% (13241/13241), 13.82 MiB | 21.31 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (9901/9901), done. From * [new branch] add-single-value-cache -> origin/add-single-value-cache * [new branch] dev -> origin/dev * [new branch] lint-update-vermin-python -> origin/lint-update-vermin-python * [new branch] lint-vermin-verbosity -> origin/lint-vermin-verbosity * [new branch] refactor-page -> origin/refactor-page * [new branch] vmmap-name-pt-pages -> origin/vmmap-name-pt-pages * [new tag] 2016.09.12 -> 2016.09.12 * [new tag] 2016.09.22 -> 2016.09.22 * [new tag] 2017.02.01 -> 2017.02.01 * [new tag] 2017.09.26 -> 2017.09.26 * [new tag] 2018.07.29 -> 2018.07.29 * [new tag] 2019.01.25 -> 2019.01.25 * [new tag] 2019.12.09 -> 2019.12.09 * [new tag] 2020.07.23 -> 2020.07.23 * [new tag] 2021.06.22 -> 2021.06.22 * [new tag] 2022.01.05 -> 2022.01.05 * [new tag] 2022.08.30 -> 2022.08.30 * [new tag] 2022.12.19 -> 2022.12.19 * [new tag] 2023.03.19 -> 2023.03.19 * [new tag] 2023.07.17 -> 2023.07.17 * [new tag] 2023.07.17-pkgs -> 2023.07.17-pkgs * [new tag] debian10-final -> debian10-final * [new tag] ubuntu18.04-final -> ubuntu18.04-final fatal: Not a valid object name 20230717 Unrecognized git object type: Unable to checkout 20230717 from error: builder for '/nix/store/vs1byvq81yi1ap1xbw1i7vhm8s5w14w5-source.drv' failed with exit code 1; last 25 log lines: > * [new branch] dev -> origin/dev > * [new branch] lint-update-vermin-python -> origin/lint-update-vermin-python > * [new branch] lint-vermin-verbosity -> origin/lint-vermin-verbosity > * [new branch] refactor-page -> origin/refactor-page > * [new branch] vmmap-name-pt-pages -> origin/vmmap-name-pt-pages > * [new tag] 2016.09.12 -> 2016.09.12 > * [new tag] 2016.09.22 -> 2016.09.22 > * [new tag] 2017.02.01 -> 2017.02.01 > * [new tag] 2017.09.26 -> 2017.09.26 > * [new tag] 2018.07.29 -> 2018.07.29 > * [new tag] 2019.01.25 -> 2019.01.25 > * [new tag] 2019.12.09 -> 2019.12.09 > * [new tag] 2020.07.23 -> 2020.07.23 > * [new tag] 2021.06.22 -> 2021.06.22 > * [new tag] 2022.01.05 -> 2022.01.05 > * [new tag] 2022.08.30 -> 2022.08.30 > * [new tag] 2022.12.19 -> 2022.12.19 > * [new tag] 2023.03.19 -> 2023.03.19 > * [new tag] 2023.07.17 -> 2023.07.17 > * [new tag] 2023.07.17-pkgs -> 2023.07.17-pkgs > * [new tag] debian10-final -> debian10-final > * [new tag] ubuntu18.04-final -> ubuntu18.04-final > fatal: Not a valid object name 20230717 > Unrecognized git object type: > Unable to checkout 20230717 from For full logs, run 'nix log /nix/store/vs1byvq81yi1ap1xbw1i7vhm8s5w14w5-source.drv'. stderr did not split as expected full stderr was: error: attribute 'originalSrc' in selection path 'pwndbg.originalSrc' not found stderr did not split as expected full stderr was: these 2 derivations will be built: /nix/store/vs1byvq81yi1ap1xbw1i7vhm8s5w14w5-source.drv /nix/store/6xmz2aayzj9hdy1vcsvwkk30r6nvyyx3-pwndbg-20230717.drv these 3 paths will be fetched (1.31 MiB download, 41.95 MiB unpacked): /nix/store/0h7sbdlfxkb1gh102gx2j6dh58wq8rl3-python3.10-pwntools-4.11.0 /nix/store/0mw0asdbiz9n9qap3q0igkq0jgfc307n-python3.10-rpyc-5.3.1 /nix/store/ig9psm4jq8s808h9i5xqx84x780f7l1n-python3.10-plumbum-1.8.2 copying path '/nix/store/ig9psm4jq8s808h9i5xqx84x780f7l1n-python3.10-plumbum-1.8.2' from ''... building '/nix/store/vs1byvq81yi1ap1xbw1i7vhm8s5w14w5-source.drv'... exporting (rev 20230717) into /nix/store/bqfq4db6nwycmkdrql9igsbrayqsw3g2-source Initialized empty Git repository in /nix/store/bqfq4db6nwycmkdrql9igsbrayqsw3g2-source/.git/ copying path '/nix/store/0mw0asdbiz9n9qap3q0igkq0jgfc307n-python3.10-rpyc-5.3.1' from ''... copying path '/nix/store/0h7sbdlfxkb1gh102gx2j6dh58wq8rl3-python3.10-pwntools-4.11.0' from ''... fatal: couldn't find remote ref 20230717 remote: Enumerating objects: 13241, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (2349/2349), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (555/555), done. remote: Total 13241 (delta 1995), reused 1917 (delta 1793), pack-reused 10892 Receiving objects: 100% (13241/13241), 13.82 MiB | 21.41 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (9901/9901), done. From * [new branch] add-single-value-cache -> origin/add-single-value-cache * [new branch] dev -> origin/dev * [new branch] lint-update-vermin-python -> origin/lint-update-vermin-python * [new branch] lint-vermin-verbosity -> origin/lint-vermin-verbosity * [new branch] refactor-page -> origin/refactor-page * [new branch] vmmap-name-pt-pages -> origin/vmmap-name-pt-pages * [new tag] 2016.09.12 -> 2016.09.12 * [new tag] 2016.09.22 -> 2016.09.22 * [new tag] 2017.02.01 -> 2017.02.01 * [new tag] 2017.09.26 -> 2017.09.26 * [new tag] 2018.07.29 -> 2018.07.29 * [new tag] 2019.01.25 -> 2019.01.25 * [new tag] 2019.12.09 -> 2019.12.09 * [new tag] 2020.07.23 -> 2020.07.23 * [new tag] 2021.06.22 -> 2021.06.22 * [new tag] 2022.01.05 -> 2022.01.05 * [new tag] 2022.08.30 -> 2022.08.30 * [new tag] 2022.12.19 -> 2022.12.19 * [new tag] 2023.03.19 -> 2023.03.19 * [new tag] 2023.07.17 -> 2023.07.17 * [new tag] 2023.07.17-pkgs -> 2023.07.17-pkgs * [new tag] debian10-final -> debian10-final * [new tag] ubuntu18.04-final -> ubuntu18.04-final fatal: Not a valid object name 20230717 Unrecognized git object type: Unable to checkout 20230717 from error: builder for '/nix/store/vs1byvq81yi1ap1xbw1i7vhm8s5w14w5-source.drv' failed with exit code 1; last 25 log lines: > * [new branch] dev -> origin/dev > * [new branch] lint-update-vermin-python -> origin/lint-update-vermin-python > * [new branch] lint-vermin-verbosity -> origin/lint-vermin-verbosity > * [new branch] refactor-page -> origin/refactor-page > * [new branch] vmmap-name-pt-pages -> origin/vmmap-name-pt-pages > * [new tag] 2016.09.12 -> 2016.09.12 > * [new tag] 2016.09.22 -> 2016.09.22 > * [new tag] 2017.02.01 -> 2017.02.01 > * [new tag] 2017.09.26 -> 2017.09.26 > * [new tag] 2018.07.29 -> 2018.07.29 > * [new tag] 2019.01.25 -> 2019.01.25 > * [new tag] 2019.12.09 -> 2019.12.09 > * [new tag] 2020.07.23 -> 2020.07.23 > * [new tag] 2021.06.22 -> 2021.06.22 > * [new tag] 2022.01.05 -> 2022.01.05 > * [new tag] 2022.08.30 -> 2022.08.30 > * [new tag] 2022.12.19 -> 2022.12.19 > * [new tag] 2023.03.19 -> 2023.03.19 > * [new tag] 2023.07.17 -> 2023.07.17 > * [new tag] 2023.07.17-pkgs -> 2023.07.17-pkgs > * [new tag] debian10-final -> debian10-final > * [new tag] ubuntu18.04-final -> ubuntu18.04-final > fatal: Not a valid object name 20230717 > Unrecognized git object type: > Unable to checkout 20230717 from For full logs, run 'nix log /nix/store/vs1byvq81yi1ap1xbw1i7vhm8s5w14w5-source.drv'. error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/6xmz2aayzj9hdy1vcsvwkk30r6nvyyx3-pwndbg-20230717.drv' failed to build