python310Packages.cvxopt 0 -> 1 attrpath: python310Packages.cvxopt Checking auto update branch... [version] [version] skipping because derivation has updateScript [rustCrateVersion] [rustCrateVersion] No cargoSha256 or cargoHash found [golangModuleVersion] [golangModuleVersion] Not a buildGoModule package with vendorSha256 or vendorHash [npmDepsVersion] [npmDepsVersion] No npmDepsHash [updateScript] [updateScript] Success [updateScript] Going to be running update for following packages: - python3.10-cvxopt-1.3.0 Press Enter key to continue... Running update for: - python3.10-cvxopt-1.3.0: UPDATING ... - python3.10-cvxopt-1.3.0: DONE. Packages updated! [quotedUrls] [quotedUrls] nothing found to replace Diff after rewrites: diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/cvxopt/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/cvxopt/default.nix index 8c1da0f7f5c4..0a2b13ad4c81 100644 --- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/cvxopt/default.nix +++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/cvxopt/default.nix @@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ assert (!blas.isILP64) && (!lapack.isILP64); buildPythonPackage rec { pname = "cvxopt"; - version = "1.3.0"; + version = "1.3.2"; disabled = isPyPy; # hangs at [translation:info] src = fetchPypi { inherit pname version; - hash = "sha256-ALGyMvnR+QLVeKnXWBS2f6AgdY1a5CLijKjO9iafpcY="; + hash = "sha256-NGH6QsGyJAuk2h2YXKc1A5FBV/xMd0FzJ+1tfYWs2+Y="; }; buildInputs = (if stdenv.isDarwin then [ openblas ] else [ blas lapack ]); No auto update branch exists Old version 1.3.0" not present in staging derivation file with contents: { stdenv , lib , buildPythonPackage , fetchPypi , isPyPy , python , openblas , blas , lapack # build segfaults with 64-bit blas , suitesparse , unittestCheckHook , glpk ? null , gsl ? null , fftw ? null , withGlpk ? true , withGsl ? true , withFftw ? true }: assert (!blas.isILP64) && (!lapack.isILP64); buildPythonPackage rec { pname = "cvxopt"; version = "1.3.2"; disabled = isPyPy; # hangs at [translation:info] src = fetchPypi { inherit pname version; hash = "sha256-NGH6QsGyJAuk2h2YXKc1A5FBV/xMd0FzJ+1tfYWs2+Y="; }; buildInputs = (if stdenv.isDarwin then [ openblas ] else [ blas lapack ]); doCheck = !stdenv.isDarwin; # similar to Gsl, glpk, fftw there is also a dsdp interface # but dsdp is not yet packaged in nixpkgs preConfigure = (if stdenv.isDarwin then '' export CVXOPT_BLAS_LIB=openblas export CVXOPT_LAPACK_LIB=openblas '' else '' export CVXOPT_BLAS_LIB=blas export CVXOPT_LAPACK_LIB=lapack '') + '' export CVXOPT_BUILD_DSDP=0 export CVXOPT_SUITESPARSE_LIB_DIR=${lib.getLib suitesparse}/lib export CVXOPT_SUITESPARSE_INC_DIR=${lib.getDev suitesparse}/include '' + lib.optionalString withGsl '' export CVXOPT_BUILD_GSL=1 export CVXOPT_GSL_LIB_DIR=${lib.getLib gsl}/lib export CVXOPT_GSL_INC_DIR=${lib.getDev gsl}/include '' + lib.optionalString withGlpk '' export CVXOPT_BUILD_GLPK=1 export CVXOPT_GLPK_LIB_DIR=${lib.getLib glpk}/lib export CVXOPT_GLPK_INC_DIR=${lib.getDev glpk}/include '' + lib.optionalString withFftw '' export CVXOPT_BUILD_FFTW=1 export CVXOPT_FFTW_LIB_DIR=${lib.getLib fftw}/lib export CVXOPT_FFTW_INC_DIR=${lib.getDev fftw}/include ''; nativeCheckInputs = [ unittestCheckHook ]; unittestFlagsArray = [ "-s" "tests" ]; meta = with lib; { homepage = ""; description = "Python Software for Convex Optimization"; longDescription = '' CVXOPT is a free software package for convex optimization based on the Python programming language. It can be used with the interactive Python interpreter, on the command line by executing Python scripts, or integrated in other software via Python extension modules. Its main purpose is to make the development of software for convex optimization applications straightforward by building on Python's extensive standard library and on the strengths of Python as a high-level programming language. ''; maintainers = with maintainers; [ edwtjo ]; license = licenses.gpl3Plus; }; }