python311Packages.sunpy 5.0.1 -> 5.1.0 attrpath: python311Packages.sunpy Checking auto update branch... [version] [version] skipping because derivation has updateScript [rustCrateVersion] [rustCrateVersion] No cargoSha256 or cargoHash found [golangModuleVersion] [golangModuleVersion] Not a buildGoModule package with vendorSha256 or vendorHash [npmDepsVersion] [npmDepsVersion] No npmDepsHash [updateScript] [updateScript] Success [updateScript] this derivation will be built: /nix/store/krd62lhyf4i5m0w0kd7m63g7zqdhrvpq-packages.json.drv building '/nix/store/krd62lhyf4i5m0w0kd7m63g7zqdhrvpq-packages.json.drv'... Going to be running update for following packages: - python3.11-sunpy-5.0.1 Press Enter key to continue... Running update for: - python3.11-sunpy-5.0.1: UPDATING ... - python3.11-sunpy-5.0.1: DONE. Packages updated! Diff after rewrites: diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/sunpy/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/sunpy/default.nix index a676f28d2758..732828e908ac 100644 --- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/sunpy/default.nix +++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/sunpy/default.nix @@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ buildPythonPackage rec { pname = "sunpy"; - version = "5.0.1"; + version = "5.1.0"; format = "setuptools"; disabled = pythonOlder "3.8"; src = fetchPypi { inherit pname version; - hash = "sha256-7tmyywyfQw1T9qr5UbPH/KR+AmmhSaHunkeUGRKDl+Q="; + hash = "sha256-C5UnKp0EqzxSHTokdSJmfIOMBI6yXpWSazTxcSLOIvI="; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ No auto update branch exists Old version 5.0.1" not present in staging derivation file with contents: { lib , stdenv , asdf , astropy , astropy-extension-helpers , astropy-helpers , beautifulsoup4 , buildPythonPackage , drms , fetchPypi , glymur , h5netcdf , hypothesis , lxml , matplotlib , numpy , pandas , parfive , pytest-astropy , pytestCheckHook , pytest-mock , python-dateutil , pythonOlder , scikit-image , scipy , setuptools-scm , sqlalchemy , tqdm , zeep }: buildPythonPackage rec { pname = "sunpy"; version = "5.1.0"; format = "setuptools"; disabled = pythonOlder "3.8"; src = fetchPypi { inherit pname version; hash = "sha256-C5UnKp0EqzxSHTokdSJmfIOMBI6yXpWSazTxcSLOIvI="; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ astropy-extension-helpers setuptools-scm ]; propagatedBuildInputs = [ astropy astropy-helpers numpy parfive ]; passthru.optional-dependencies = { asdf = [ asdf # asdf-astropy ]; database = [ sqlalchemy ]; image = [ scikit-image scipy ]; net = [ beautifulsoup4 drms python-dateutil tqdm zeep ]; jpeg2000 = [ glymur lxml ]; timeseries = [ # cdflib h5netcdf # h5py matplotlib pandas ]; }; nativeCheckInputs = [ hypothesis pytest-astropy pytest-mock pytestCheckHook ] ++ passthru.optional-dependencies.asdf ++ passthru.optional-dependencies.database ++ passthru.optional-dependencies.image ++ ++ passthru.optional-dependencies.timeseries; postPatch = '' substituteInPlace setup.cfg \ --replace " --dist no" "" ''; # darwin has write permission issues doCheck = stdenv.isLinux; preCheck = '' export HOME=$(mktemp -d) ''; disabledTests = [ "rst" "test_sunpy_warnings_logging" "test_main_nonexisting_module" "test_main_stdlib_module" "test_find_dependencies" ]; disabledTestPaths = [ # Tests are very slow "sunpy/net/tests/" # asdf.extensions plugin issue "sunpy/io/special/asdf/resources/schemas/" "sunpy/io/special/asdf/resources/manifests/sunpy-1.0.0.yaml" # Requires mpl-animators package "sunpy/map/tests/" "sunpy/map/tests/" "sunpy/map/tests/" "sunpy/map/tests/" "sunpy/map/tests/" "sunpy/net/tests/" "sunpy/timeseries/tests/" "sunpy/visualization/animator/tests/" "sunpy/visualization/animator/tests/" "sunpy/visualization/animator/tests/" "sunpy/visualization/colormaps/tests/" # Requires cdflib package "sunpy/timeseries/tests/" # Requires jplephem "sunpy/image/tests/" "sunpy/io/special/asdf/tests/" "sunpy/io/special/asdf/tests/" # distutils is deprecated "sunpy/io/" ]; pytestFlagsArray = [ "-W" "ignore::DeprecationWarning" ]; # Wants a configuration file # pythonImportsCheck = [ # "sunpy" # ]; meta = with lib; { description = "Python for Solar Physics"; homepage = ""; license = licenses.bsd2; maintainers = with maintainers; [ ]; broken = true; }; }