python312Packages.pillow-heif 0.14.0 -> 0.15.0 attrpath: python312Packages.pillow-heif Checking auto update branch... [version] [version] skipping because derivation has updateScript [rustCrateVersion] [rustCrateVersion] No cargoSha256 or cargoHash found [golangModuleVersion] [golangModuleVersion] Not a buildGoModule package with vendorSha256 or vendorHash [npmDepsVersion] [npmDepsVersion] No npmDepsHash [updateScript] [updateScript] Success [updateScript] this derivation will be built: /nix/store/spcspk4y7dx63lf14lkv6dsgxqqda23f-packages.json.drv building '/nix/store/spcspk4y7dx63lf14lkv6dsgxqqda23f-packages.json.drv'... Going to be running update for following packages: - python3.12-pillow-heif-0.14.0 Press Enter key to continue... Running update for: - python3.12-pillow-heif-0.14.0: UPDATING ... - python3.12-pillow-heif-0.14.0: DONE. Packages updated! Diff after rewrites: diff --git a/pkgs/development/python-modules/pillow-heif/default.nix b/pkgs/development/python-modules/pillow-heif/default.nix index 2496bd1b3609..a5f7c7df9d46 100644 --- a/pkgs/development/python-modules/pillow-heif/default.nix +++ b/pkgs/development/python-modules/pillow-heif/default.nix @@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ buildPythonPackage rec { pname = "pillow-heif"; - version = "0.14.0"; + version = "0.15.0"; format = "setuptools"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "bigcat88"; repo = "pillow_heif"; rev = "refs/tags/v${version}"; - hash = "sha256-HFcywrH687CBGTbZQ2rQrr/AdJ2+pFoI+NvYhUCanic="; + hash = "sha256-zSPbOb7+U45Vmad6IwNtkunLXdT3ledKAE4QWlSeP0g="; }; postPatch = '' No auto update branch exists Old version 0.14.0" not present in staging derivation file with contents: { lib , stdenv , buildPythonPackage , fetchFromGitHub # build-system , cmake , nasm , pkg-config , setuptools # native dependencies , libheif , libaom , libde265 , x265 # dependencies , pillow # tests , opencv4 , numpy , pympler , pytestCheckHook }: buildPythonPackage rec { pname = "pillow-heif"; version = "0.15.0"; pyproject = true; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "bigcat88"; repo = "pillow_heif"; rev = "refs/tags/v${version}"; hash = "sha256-zSPbOb7+U45Vmad6IwNtkunLXdT3ledKAE4QWlSeP0g="; }; postPatch = '' sed -i '/addopts/d' pyproject.toml ''; nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake nasm pkg-config setuptools ]; dontUseCmakeConfigure = true; buildInputs = [ libaom libde265 libheif x265 ]; propagatedBuildInputs = [ pillow ]; pythonImportsCheck = [ "pillow_heif" ]; nativeCheckInputs = [ opencv4 numpy pympler pytestCheckHook ]; disabledTests = lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ # # not reproducible in nixpkgs "test_opencv_crash" ] ++ lib.optionals (stdenv.isLinux && stdenv.isAarch64) [ # RuntimeError: Encoder plugin generated an error: Unsupported bit depth: Bit depth not supported by x265 "test_open_heif_compare_non_standard_modes_data" "test_open_save_disable_16bit" "test_save_bgr_16bit_to_10_12_bit" "test_save_bgra_16bit_to_10_12_bit" "test_premultiplied_alpha" "test_hdr_save" "test_I_color_modes_to_10_12_bit" ]; meta = { changelog = "${version}"; description = "Python library for working with HEIF images and plugin for Pillow"; homepage = ""; license = with lib.licenses; [ bsd3 lgpl3 ]; maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ dandellion ]; }; }