sqlite 3.42.0 -> 3.43.1 https://repology.org/project/sqlite/versions attrpath: sqlite Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 3.42.0" not present in staging derivation file with contents: { lib, stdenv, fetchurl, zlib, readline, ncurses # for tests , python3Packages, sqldiff, sqlite-analyzer, tracker # uses readline & ncurses for a better interactive experience if set to true , interactive ? false # TODO: can be removed since 3.36 since it is the default now. , enableDeserialize ? false , gitUpdater }: let archiveVersion = import ./archive-version.nix lib; in stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "sqlite${lib.optionalString interactive "-interactive"}"; version = "3.43.1"; # nixpkgs-update: no auto update # NB! Make sure to update ./tools.nix src (in the same directory). src = fetchurl { url = "https://sqlite.org/2023/sqlite-autoconf-${archiveVersion version}.tar.gz"; hash = "sha256-ORFslOdmMPItVM2Cw86jCFZfFxX3FtGyUn8cnJabpNk="; }; outputs = [ "bin" "dev" "out" ]; separateDebugInfo = stdenv.isLinux; buildInputs = [ zlib ] ++ lib.optionals interactive [ readline ncurses ]; # required for aarch64 but applied for all arches for simplicity preConfigure = '' patchShebangs configure ''; configureFlags = [ "--enable-threadsafe" ] ++ lib.optional interactive "--enable-readline"; env.NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = toString ([ "-DSQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA" "-DSQLITE_ENABLE_DBSTAT_VTAB" "-DSQLITE_ENABLE_JSON1" "-DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3" "-DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3_PARENTHESIS" "-DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS3_TOKENIZER" "-DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS4" "-DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS5" "-DSQLITE_ENABLE_RTREE" "-DSQLITE_ENABLE_STMT_SCANSTATUS" "-DSQLITE_ENABLE_UNLOCK_NOTIFY" "-DSQLITE_SOUNDEX" "-DSQLITE_SECURE_DELETE" "-DSQLITE_MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER=250000" "-DSQLITE_MAX_EXPR_DEPTH=10000" ] ++ lib.optionals enableDeserialize [ # Can be removed in v3.36+, as this will become the default "-DSQLITE_ENABLE_DESERIALIZE" ]); # Test for features which may not be available at compile time preBuild = '' # Use pread(), pread64(), pwrite(), pwrite64() functions for better performance if they are available. if cc -Werror=implicit-function-declaration -x c - -o "$TMPDIR/pread_pwrite_test" <<< \ ''$'#include \nint main()\n{\n pread(0, NULL, 0, 0);\n pwrite(0, NULL, 0, 0);\n return 0;\n}'; then export NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE="$NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE -DUSE_PREAD" fi if cc -Werror=implicit-function-declaration -x c - -o "$TMPDIR/pread64_pwrite64_test" <<< \ ''$'#include \nint main()\n{\n pread64(0, NULL, 0, 0);\n pwrite64(0, NULL, 0, 0);\n return 0;\n}'; then export NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE="$NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE -DUSE_PREAD64" elif cc -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -Werror=implicit-function-declaration -x c - -o "$TMPDIR/pread64_pwrite64_test" <<< \ ''$'#include \nint main()\n{\n pread64(0, NULL, 0, 0);\n pwrite64(0, NULL, 0, 0);\n return 0;\n}'; then export NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE="$NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE -DUSE_PREAD64 -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE" fi # Necessary for FTS5 on Linux export NIX_LDFLAGS="$NIX_LDFLAGS -lm" echo "" echo "NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = $NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE" echo "" ''; postInstall = '' # Do not contaminate dependent libtool-based projects with sqlite dependencies. sed -i $out/lib/libsqlite3.la -e "s/dependency_libs=.*/dependency_libs='''/" ''; doCheck = false; # fails to link against tcl passthru = { tests = { inherit (python3Packages) sqlalchemy; inherit sqldiff sqlite-analyzer tracker; }; updateScript = gitUpdater { # No nicer place to look for patest version. url = "https://github.com/sqlite/sqlite.git"; # Expect tags like "version-3.43.0". rev-prefix = "version-"; }; }; meta = with lib; { changelog = "https://www.sqlite.org/releaselog/${lib.replaceStrings [ "." ] [ "_" ] version}.html"; description = "A self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine"; downloadPage = "https://sqlite.org/download.html"; homepage = "https://www.sqlite.org/"; license = licenses.publicDomain; mainProgram = "sqlite3"; maintainers = with maintainers; [ eelco np ]; platforms = platforms.unix ++ platforms.windows; pkgConfigModules = [ "sqlite3" ]; }; }