sundials 6.6.1 -> 6.7.0 attrpath: sundials Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 6.6.1" not present in master derivation file with contents: { lib, stdenv , cmake , fetchurl , python , blas , lapack , gfortran , suitesparse , lapackSupport ? true , kluSupport ? true }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "sundials"; version = "6.7.0"; outputs = [ "out" "examples" ]; src = fetchurl { url = "${version}/sundials-${version}.tar.gz"; hash = "sha256-XxE6FWSp0tmP+VJJ9IcaTIFaBdu5uIZqgrE6sVjDets="; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake gfortran ]; buildInputs = [ python ] ++ lib.optionals (lapackSupport) # Check that the same index size is used for both libraries (assert (blas.isILP64 == lapack.isILP64); [ blas lapack ]) # KLU support is based on Suitesparse. It is tested upstream according to the # section of INSTALL_GUIDE.pdf found in the source tarball. ++ lib.optionals (kluSupport) [ suitesparse ]; cmakeFlags = [ "-DEXAMPLES_INSTALL_PATH=${placeholder "examples"}/share/examples" ] ++ lib.optionals (lapackSupport) [ "-DENABLE_LAPACK=ON" "-DLAPACK_LIBRARIES=${lapack}/lib/liblapack${stdenv.hostPlatform.extensions.sharedLibrary}" ] ++ lib.optionals (kluSupport) [ "-DENABLE_KLU=ON" "-DKLU_INCLUDE_DIR=${}/include" "-DKLU_LIBRARY_DIR=${suitesparse}/lib" ] ++ [( # Use the correct index type according to lapack and blas used. They are # already supposed to be compatible but we check both for extra safety. 64 # should be the default but we prefer to be explicit, for extra safety. if blas.isILP64 then "-DSUNDIALS_INDEX_SIZE=64" else "-DSUNDIALS_INDEX_SIZE=32" )] ; doCheck = true; checkTarget = "test"; meta = with lib; { description = "Suite of nonlinear differential/algebraic equation solvers"; homepage = ""; platforms = platforms.all; maintainers = with maintainers; [ idontgetoutmuch ]; license = licenses.bsd3; }; }