synapse-admin 0.8.5 -> 0.8.7 attrpath: synapse-admin Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists [version] [version] updated version and sha256 [rustCrateVersion] [rustCrateVersion] No cargoSha256 or cargoHash found [golangModuleVersion] [golangModuleVersion] Not a buildGoModule package with vendorSha256 or vendorHash [updateScript] [updateScript] skipping because derivation has no updateScript [quotedUrls] [quotedUrls] nothing found to replace Diff after rewrites: diff --git a/pkgs/tools/admin/synapse-admin/default.nix b/pkgs/tools/admin/synapse-admin/default.nix index 2cde74ba453..9f793f2cc80 100644 --- a/pkgs/tools/admin/synapse-admin/default.nix +++ b/pkgs/tools/admin/synapse-admin/default.nix @@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ mkYarnPackage rec { pname = "synapse-admin"; - version = "0.8.5"; + version = "0.8.7"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "Awesome-Technologies"; repo = pname; rev = version; - sha256 = "sha256-0miHtEJ5e8MaqGc4ezPvwhGjoCZyOE7md0DUCC/ZOfk="; + sha256 = "sha256-kvQBzrCu1sgDccKhr0i2DgDmO5z6u6s+vw5KymttoK4="; }; yarnNix = ./yarn.nix; Received ExitFailure 1 when running Raw command: /nix/store/3nqhcyc7vid1npgcd0m7arg5sn325nhz-nix-2.12.0/bin/nix-build --option sandbox true --arg config "{ allowBroken = true; allowUnfree = true; allowAliases = false; }" --arg overlays "[ ]" -A synapse-admin nix build failed. got build log for 'synapse-admin' from 'daemon' @nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "unpackPhase" } unpacking sources unpacking source archive /nix/store/7f8c3dp9qpkxmcp3qnp7jqppm1v04q45-source source root is source @nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "patchPhase" } patching sources @nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "configurePhase" } configuring @nix { "action": "setPhase", "phase": "buildPhase" } building /build/source/deps/synapse-admin /build/source yarn run v1.22.19 $ REACT_APP_VERSION=$(git describe --tags) react-scripts build /bin/sh: git: not found Creating an optimized production build... Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run: npx browserslist@latest --update-db Why you should do it regularly: Failed to compile.  ./src/App.js Cannot find module: '@mui/icons-material/ConfirmationNumber'. Make sure this package is installed. You can install this package by running: yarn add @mui/icons-material/ConfirmationNumber. error Command failed with exit code 1. info Visit for documentation about this command.