tlp 1.6.0 -> 1.6.1 attrpath: tlp Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version 1.6.0" not present in master derivation file with contents: { stdenv , lib , checkbashisms , coreutils , ethtool , fetchFromGitHub , gawk , gnugrep , gnused , hdparm , iw , kmod , makeWrapper , pciutils , perl , perlcritic , shellcheck , smartmontools , systemd , util-linux , x86_energy_perf_policy # RDW only works with NetworkManager, and thus is optional with default off , enableRDW ? false , networkmanager }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "tlp"; version = "1.6.1"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "linrunner"; repo = "TLP"; rev = version; hash = "sha256-CxO1KU7F6sT5D8vjKOmntjDxcieoRSHTvuSqXfplcHk="; }; # XXX: See patch files for relevant explanations. patches = [ ./patches/0001-makefile-correctly-sed-paths.patch ./patches/0002-reintroduce-tlp-sleep-service.patch ]; buildInputs = [ perl ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ]; # XXX: While [1] states that DESTDIR should not be used, and that the correct # variable to set is, in fact, PREFIX, tlp thinks otherwise. The Makefile for # tlp concerns itself only with DESTDIR [2] (possibly incorrectly) and so we set # that as opposed to PREFIX, despite what [1] says. # # [1]: # [2]: makeFlags = [ "TLP_NO_INIT=1" "TLP_WITH_ELOGIND=0" "TLP_WITH_SYSTEMD=1" "DESTDIR=${placeholder "out"}" "TLP_BATD=/share/tlp/bat.d" "TLP_BIN=/bin" "TLP_CONFDEF=/share/tlp/defaults.conf" "TLP_CONFREN=/share/tlp/rename.conf" "TLP_FLIB=/share/tlp/func.d" "TLP_MAN=/share/man" "TLP_META=/share/metainfo" "TLP_SBIN=/sbin" "TLP_SHCPL=/share/bash-completion/completions" "TLP_TLIB=/share/tlp" ]; installTargets = [ "install-tlp" "install-man" ] ++ lib.optionals enableRDW [ "install-rdw" "install-man-rdw" ]; doCheck = true; nativeCheckInputs = [ checkbashisms perlcritic shellcheck ]; checkTarget = [ "checkall" ]; # TODO: Consider using resholve here postInstall = let paths = lib.makeBinPath ( [ coreutils ethtool gawk gnugrep gnused hdparm iw kmod pciutils perl smartmontools systemd util-linux ] ++ lib.optional enableRDW networkmanager ++ lib.optional (lib.meta.availableOn stdenv.hostPlatform x86_energy_perf_policy) x86_energy_perf_policy ); in '' fixup_perl=( $out/share/tlp/tlp-pcilist $out/share/tlp/tlp-readconfs $out/share/tlp/tlp-usblist $out/share/tlp/tpacpi-bat ) for f in "''${fixup_perl[@]}"; do wrapProgram "$f" --prefix PATH : "${paths}" done fixup_bash=( $out/bin/* $out/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/* $out/lib/udev/tlp-* $out/sbin/* $out/share/tlp/bat.d/* $out/share/tlp/func.d/* $out/share/tlp/tlp-func-base ) for f in "''${fixup_bash[@]}"; do sed -i '2iexport PATH=${paths}:$PATH' "$f" done rm -rf $out/var rm -rf $out/share/metainfo ''; meta = with lib; { description = "Advanced Power Management for Linux"; homepage = ""; changelog = "${version}"; platforms = platforms.linux; maintainers = with maintainers; [ abbradar lovesegfault ]; license = licenses.gpl2Plus; }; }