xarchiver -> https://repology.org/project/xarchiver/versions attrpath: xarchiver Checking auto update branch... No auto update branch exists Old version" not present in master derivation file with contents: { lib, stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, gtk3, pkg-config, intltool, libxslt, makeWrapper, coreutils, zip, unzip, p7zip, unar, gnutar, bzip2, gzip, lhasa, wrapGAppsHook }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { version = ""; pname = "xarchiver"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "ib"; repo = "xarchiver"; rev = version; sha256 = "sha256-pYrF9fyEbay+iboL9EuoTETTI3RTcgv3yeVtAWvAe1Q="; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ intltool pkg-config makeWrapper wrapGAppsHook ]; buildInputs = [ gtk3 libxslt ]; postFixup = '' wrapProgram $out/bin/xarchiver \ --prefix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath [ zip unzip p7zip unar gnutar bzip2 gzip lhasa coreutils ]} ''; meta = { broken = stdenv.isDarwin; description = "GTK frontend to 7z,zip,rar,tar,bzip2, gzip,arj, lha, rpm and deb (open and extract only)"; homepage = "https://github.com/ib/xarchiver"; maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.domenkozar ]; license = lib.licenses.gpl2Plus; platforms = lib.platforms.all; }; }